Monday, October 29, 2007

JC vs Poly education

What is it that sets JC students apart from Poly students? What do you think are the pros and cons of each? Is it true that JC students are more academically inclined but Poly kids are more street smart? Is it confirmed that Poly kids will never catch up with JC kids?


CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

After high school, most Singaporeans go to either JC or Poly. The smarter ones go to JC and those left out go to Poly...or is it? Does it really mean that those who go to JC are smarter? And is going to Poly means that we are admitting we are dumber? Well, in any case, lets look into the matter.

Yes, I admit that the criteria to get into JC is definitely much higher. But that does not mean there are no people who have good results choosing Poly's over JC's. I've met many Poly students who had score incredibly good results for their O'Levels. Does that make them dumber by coming to Poly? Of course not!

Singaporeans always label those who study in JC 'smarter' and those in Poly 'stupider'. I think thats very unfair. Considering thousands of foreigners who come to Singapore to study every year, are we trying to say that they too, these foreign talents are also dumber than those who study in JC's? I cannot agree with that.

Let us discuss this matter as a foreigner's view. As a foreigner, I chose Poly over JC even though I had the ability to enter a very good JC, for example NJC. Why? Ok, let's do some math, shall we? We need to spend 2 years in JC before starting our 4 years journey in the U's. So its 6 years in the making of getting a bachelor's degree. On the other hand, we need an extra year before graduating from Poly but we are examined from the 1st year and skipped to the 2nd year if we manage to get into the U's. So it will 6 years to get our degree...hey, isn't the same? We both need 6 years, right? So, in terms of time, none gets the advantage.

So we have to look into the matter from another prospect. Lets say that there are 2 guys, A and B. A is a JC graduate and B is a Poly graduate. It happens that both of these guys are unable to pursue further studies and decided to apply the same kind of job which is in the electrical engineering field. During he interview, when A was asked for what kind of qualification he has, all he can say is:"I'm an A'Levels certificate holder.". But when it comes to B, he can say:"I'm an engineer with a diploma." See the difference? One is just a certificate holder while the other one can comfortably claim himself as an engineer. Furthermore, Poly graduates have more hands-on and technical skills compared to JC graduates. This makes a lot of difference in their value in their respected field.

Poly provides more technical and specific education while JC's educational scheme is too general. Poly graduates have a very good head start in the society comparing to those who studied in JC's. Well, it is true that in Singapore, JC graduates are more likely to get into universities but that does not stop students from Poly to enter universities. Besides, diplomas offered by the 5 Poly's in Singapore are internationally recognized, so we can always further our studies overseas.

With only so few advantages comparing to Poly, I strongly disagree that JC students are academically better than those who study in Poly's. And as a matter of fact, I believe that Poly students are not the ones who need to catch up with JC students, in fact, it should be just the opposite.

Laroman said...

each poly and JC got its own Pros and Cons. Every Single person has his own unique way of learning and studying, so different schools is to cater to different people that has different studying rate. There cannot be a school that is catered to everyone, coz its not possible.

by goin in JC does not mean u are smarter, goin into polytechics does not mean u are more stupid. ultimately it depends on what u wanna be when u grow up. everyone has different perspect of life and we as human beings too, should respect that.

if u have planned your life upfront, den go ahead with it and dont bother about comparing with other schools.

Laroman said...

Lim Marn Chern [{(/XxX!!DEEE/FT/1B/03!!XxX/)}]

MingXiang said...

Ong Ming Xiang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Considering the criteria, most Junior Colleges do have higher requirement to obtain admission, but that doesn't mean that Junior Colleges are better. It is similar to comparing apples and oranges; both are totally different things.The only factor that should affect the choice is the future that one sees. One's ambition should determine the route that he/she takes.

Indeed, by going into a Polytechic, it is less risky due to the fact that the diploma is more valuable than an 'A' Levels certificate. Unlike what Shawn said, though, it does not mean that going into a Polytechic is instantly better. Should one choose to go into a Junior College, it is pretty clear that he/she is confident that he/she would make it to an University, being his/her goal in the first place. Furthermore, not all degree courses will take four years long, and not all degree courses will exempt you from the first year even if you are from a Polytechic.

In conclusion, I believe that both are equally suitable for academically and street smart students, and the only factor to tip the scale is one's choice.

ewwChow said...

I do not agree with the statement that "poly kids would never catch up with JC kids".

By choosing the JC route, one would have definitely taken the goal of graduating from an university at the end of his/her education. By entering the JC, it also shows that one prefers the fast pace life syle as everything is cramped into 2 years.

On the other hand, by choosing the poly route, it shows that one would like to take things one step at a time. At the end of 3 years, we graduate with a diploma which then opens 3 paths for us, the university or straight to the working life. The poly also offers more diversity as we get industrail training programmes and hands-on stuff which allows us to better understand a topic.

However, no matter which route we take, at the end of our education it all comes down to one thing that is "employment".. One can graduate with just a poly diploma & get a high-flying job while a university graduate may just be a normal low-laying post. There are many success stories of people that graduate from the polys that make it big in the industry.

Hence, it doesnt really matters on the path u take be it JC or poly, most imporatantly is that one must enjoy that process. And in terms of the employment context, it all comes down to the image & attititude one possesses.. U can have a degree but have bad working attitudes, in that case which cmployer is going to hire you?

Joel said...

Joel Yew (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Many people of the public, or even parents nowadays still refer JC students to be much more outstanding than those from a poly.
They refer to the poly students as someone who are academically inferior to JC students.

It's wrong of them to stereotype that way.

I myself, as a poly student, I can firmly say that it is not easy coping with the modules here. We are expected to grasp the new knowledge and concept within a certain time. Not only that, we are struggling with tons of tutorials, practicals, lectures and quizzes. Well, I cannot comment on JC students as I have never even experience the life as one.

However, i feel that both institutions offer a different route in education. JCs prepare students for university life by instilling knowledge and theory while Poly prepares students for work life by instiling practicals together with theory, which are geared towards a specific jobscope.

Life is beyond studies. It is more than just books and results. I personally feel that it is much more of an inter-relation and communication skills as well as the ability to be creative in all aspects.

A real successful person is not someone who have the most knowledge or one who earns the most. He is also not someone who
will discriminate and bashed those who he thinks are inferior. A real successful person is one who is able to cooperate with many topshots talent from all field around the world and strive the best for his company or even for his country.

In conclusion, yes, JC students may be smart. But how street-smart or how good are they with hands-on work compared to students from the poly? Thats another issue.

Chen Hua said...

People think that get in to jc, means they have better futures than others. Everyone have different talents. Some people may be good in studies, but some people may be good in music or anything else than studies.So some people choose to go for poly and not jc is because they choose the course they interested in and not result poor and can't get in to jc.

Can get in to jc does not mean all jc student is smarter than poly student. It depends. A jc person who good in academic but does not mean that he can be better than poly students with a average academic in sociaty.

In chinese, people always say that "行行出少年", means every job can have success people. I think "校校出优生", means no matter jc or poly, even ite, there will be pros. So we cannot sure that people in jc means is smarter and better than polys. It really depends.

In my conclusion, poly student also can be better than jc students.Poly students also can catch up with jc students.Some people educated with only a primary school cert, but they still can be a boss. It is because they have talents in doing business.

Chen Hua said...

Chen hua (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Persistant Pester said...

Firstly let me list the pros of JC students. They are more disciplined due to strict school’s rules and regulations, and have to wear uniform unlike poly students. By looking at their uniforms, people can identify which school they are from, therefore they have to be well-behaved at all times to prevent their school image from being tarnished. JC students are more academically inclined due to them being well guided in their curriculum.

However, JC students lack of hands-on experience and IT knowledge. During the two years education in JC, they do not have internship and therefore they lack of working experience.

Poly students are able to pursue their course they favor. They get to do more hands-on project and are much more independent than JC students. They acquire working skills and experience during their internship. These attachments will benefit them in future when they work. Poly students are street smart because they are exposed to many real-life situations.

Poly students tend to give bad impression to others due to their outward appearance, such as long dyed hair, multiple piercing and improper attire. The rules in Poly are not as strict as JC; Poly students are treated as young adults.

I disagree that Poly kids will never catch up with JC kids. Recently more cream of the crop of O-level leavers choose Poly route rather than JC. And the number of Poly students able to get into the Universities has increased. Singapore government has decided to set up the forth local University mainly to cater Poly graduates. This proved that Poly students have caught up with JC students.

Bertrand Low Yan Xin

Hunk said...

Jonathan Tan (deee/ft/1A/03)

What is it that sets JC students apart from Poly students?
Nothing. Some Poly students are smarter than JC students, JC students likewise.

Pros of Jc are that they allow students whom yet able to decide to work in which indusries to have a place to continue ther studies.JC also allows students to enter University easier compared to ploy as poly only allowed top 5~10% of the students to enter University .Cons are that JC do not expose much hands on skills to students.Poly is the opposite.

Is it confirmed that Poly kids will never catch up with JC kids?Look at where Creative Director Mr Sim Wong Hoo grauated and you find an answer.


Whats the difference between poly and jc students? jc students just have to deal with books, poly students can have more 'hands on'.

both jc and poly education are just as good, it just depends on an individual, which route he or she prefers to take.

it is true that the cut off points for admission into JCs is much lesser than polys, but that does not mean that JC students are more academically inclined than poly students. compared to the previous years, more and more students are choosing the poly route, including those who are capable of entering JCs. so, we shouldn't say that poly students are less academically inclined than JC students.

for me, it is JC students who needs to catch up with poly students, not the other way round. because when we go out into the world, you must know how to apply the skills you have learnt, not just study and go for exams.

zhengwei said...

Zhengwei (DEE/FT/1B/03)

The debate between the pros and cons of JC and Poly education has never failed to be abated but have instead been thrown into the spotlight time and again.

Indeed, a JC education has its pluspoints. But I am in of the view that persuing tertiary education in a polytechnic would prove to be more beneficial.

For many, the recent boost in the tourism sector has spawned an interest in the hospitality and tourism courses. Students who chose this path point out that this is a shorter and more realistic way to gain the neccessary skills which are of relevance to the industry.

Others, would opt for the chemical processes courses in polytechnics to focus on their passion sans the language constituent which is required in the JC syllabus. Furthermore, the rigour and depth offered in this course is comparable to the Advanced Levels standard. Hence, the rigour between the two institutions are arbitrary in this case.

Still, students would wish to enter a junior college as it promises a higher chance of gaining entrance to a university.
Statistics show that university students comprises of a towering amount of students graduating from the Junior Colleges rather than from polytechnics. Thus should a student point out that he or she would like to persue education in vasity, the path to JC is very much advisable.

In essence, the benefits of an education in a polytechnic betters that of one in a junior college, at least for me. After all, it is very much up to the individual to decide for his future and a choice to enter a junior college might very well induce more harm than benefits. Hence, the holistic package which a polytechnic offers is more attractive and beneficial for me.

Xcel said...

Academic results and individual goals are the key elements that sets JC students apart from Poly students. With the results each student attain from doing their personal best, they then choose the path the suits them better. Students who chose to go the JC path would benefit from getting a degree sooner in University, likewise, students would join the work force in their desired work environment sooner by choosing the Poly route. Judging based on the cut off points needed to enroll in a JC, students in JC would basically be considered 'smarter'. However, there are always bright students who would like to live their life differently. Some courses offered in Poly needs good results to enroll, thus, not necessarily all students in Poly only have street smart. You can never judge a man in his future plainly by what he is today. Anything is possible, thus, a hardworking Poly graduate could easily take over any lazy JC graduates who thinks that they are smarter.

thePiscesGirl` said...

As far as from what i know, junior colleges offer an advanced curriculum that stress academic and mental discipline and so
as to prepare a student for university entry.
In preparing the student for university, the junior college aims to broaden the outlook of the student and give him the opportunity to seriously engage
in subjects to a depth from which he will derive much personal satisfaction.

While polytechnic education is the strong emphasis on practice-based learning.
Work attachment is included as part of the practical curriculum and this can vary from 6 - 8 weeks to 6 months in
certain courses. Poly students will be able gain on-the-job experience.
The education provided is directly relevant to the students’ future careers and hence, its
easier for us to get a job.

In addition to academic knowledge, the Polytechnics also emphasize the acquisition of certain important life skills.
These are the key skills of communication and presentation as well as problem-solving skills.
These are intended to develop the students’ confidence and critical faculties which are necessary if they are to
be effective participants in society.

Some says that Poly students are more street smart but JC students are more academically inclined..
JC students are suppose to wear uniforms while poly students have their own freedom to dress as they like,
that's one of the difference between them and i guess that's the reason why some ppl say that:POly students are more street smart.

I can't comment about the academic life in JC as I have never been there.
I think its kinda unfair to compare them as both of them have their own unique way of learning.

Heng Wen Ling (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Xcel said...

Comparing JC students from Poly students, JC students are much better behave than Poly students. This is because JC School is much stricter than Poly. JC students have to wear uniform to school everyday while Poly can wear anything to school. Since JC students are wearing their school uniform, they can’t do any bad things outside like smoking. As for Poly students, they can do anything they want because no one knows what school they are from as they are wearing home cloth.
To conclude, Poly is giving the students the freedom that the students desire ever since they were secondary school, but it lead to students take advantage on it. Anyway, I still prefer having school uniform because in Poly, u has to think of what to wear everyday.

K.Ronaldo said...

Khairul (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Upon graduating from secondary school, students are given 3 choices to go further their studies based on their results; Junior College, Polytechnic or ITE.

Lets disregard ITE and starts with Junior College. Junior College is like a mini university where you have to ace almost every subject before you can advance to year 2.Life is stressing and hard. Everyday students have large amount of homeworks. One of my friend said to me that he slept at 2am during the weekdays. Students have to revise their work everyday to avoid lagging behind the rest of the students.You can only have some fun during the weekends.Most of the jokes in JC are related to races and schoolworks.This can shows JC students are not enjoying life.

However, choosing JC route means you are assured of having a place in the university if you pass your A levels.Moreover, if you are an average JC student, you will only need 2 years before studying in university unlike poly students who will have to face intense competitions as only top 15% can further their studies in local universities.

For poly students, life is so enjoyable.Most of the time there are no homeworks and you can spend your free time chilling out with your friends.It is less stressful as you can have fun almost everywhere even during lectures and tutorials.

I agree that JC students are academically smarter than Poly students as JC students study from theory point of view whereas Poly students study from practical point of view.

However, i believe it is the other way around. JC students will never catch up with Poly students in the real world.Reality check. This modern world is always improving.There is always a new trend and new technology over the next few years. There is a possibility that what you learn during school will be disregard and you will have to learn the new technology.This is where theory-based knowledge is not useful as you will have to learn new theories and improve on it.Thus, Poly students have the advantage here as they are already being taught to be innovative and thinking people.

Basically, it is your choice to decide whether to go JC or Poly.Never get peer pressure on where to further your studies as this is your life and the foundation of your future. If you follow your friend's advice, you will tend to regret your decision.So, choose your future carefully.

VincentAow said...

Vincent Aow(DEEE/FT/1B/03)

JC vs Poly.
JC is a place where students have to wear uniform and have to go school before 0730am.Whereas Poly,students do not have to wear uniform and the time for school is quite comfortable as sometime school start in the afternoon.

JC is a place for clever people?
i do not agree.JC is a place for students that can take a huge amount of stress and discipline.Students go to JC because they want to go to Universerty(Uni) as it is the shortest path to Uni in Singapore after Secondary school. But disadvantage is once they never score well and cannot go to any Uni, they are just wasting their two years in JC.They cannot get any well-paid jobs in Singapore.So in JC,other than study and projects, they usually do not have time for their friends and family during the two years in JC.

As for Poly,students are more relax and having a lot of fun. Poly provide social knowledge to their students. Allow them to communicate with the lecturer, classmates, schoolmates and teammates.In Poly, Students have already chosen their future path.Other than Uni,they can find 'good' jobs after they guaduate.During the education period,students still can spend time gathering with their friends and family.

I believe both JC and Poly have their goods and bads.For myself,i prefer Poly, because i do not have discipline to stay forcus for too long.

Kagepuvan said...

JC poly..LOL y must this topic come back to haunt us... this topic on its own had already tortured us after we got our results on where we had to choose where to go..... well JC students.. supposedly the cream of the crop of o level students. the elite students.. well the results and demand to get into jc might say so but then theres not much seperating the jc students and poly students.. for example poly students can have the o level agg to go to jc but they still can come to poly.....jc and poly have thier pros and cons.. for example in jc u can see the sets of rules the attire the mindset is totally set... these on its own can be good and bad.. in a poly u normmaly see the students a relaxed nothing to worry and all but in reality they themself have thier work which is also good and bad... the general view of the public is that a levels u are more book smart and poly u are more street smart wll from the qualification that u get in the end of these studies it can be said as such. but then saying as poly kids catching up with jc kids i feel is totally not acceptable.. wat i feel is that in both studies u are on a level playing field if u are gonna go onto higher studies. cause in the end of ur degree of any kind u will be both work and street smart..

Kagepuvan said...
