Monday, October 29, 2007

Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad

Do you agree with the statement? It seems youth are no longer hungry for success as they have too much of the good things in life. If you agree, why, are there examples and can anything be done to redress the issue? If you don't agree, why, do you have examples and do you see a future for Singaporean youth?


CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Breaking free from Malaysia at the year of 1965, those were the days when Singapore had nothing other than the strategic spot in the world map along the South-China Sea. Former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his men were the one who brought Singapore to a level so high that no other South East Asia country can come close to.

When Singapore first tasted independence, people realized that the country practically had nothing besides the fact that they had a lot of human resources. The nation struggled and fought for years when Singapore finally stand out from the others.

People from that time were so hardworking and determined. Their desire to succeed was far greater then any other kinds of emotions running through their spirit.

42 years have past. Now Singapore is a rich and peaceful country. Youth nowadays do not need to worry about what's for tomorrow's lunch like their parents during their time. Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life.

But that seems to be the problem. As far as a foreigners like me are concern, we are able to observe Singapore youth from a third-person's view. I realized that Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives.

Through direct and close contact with them, I found out that as far as guys are concern, they only plan as far as National Service. In my opinion, that is as though they did not even try planning what's next in their lives! NS is a compulsory for all Singaporean males when they reach the age of 18. The service will be postponed if they are studying until they graduate. But NS only takes about 2 years of the early stage of their lives. After NS, they still have decades more to live on.In life, we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning. This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships.

Life is too good for them. Through observing how most Singaporean parents bring up their children, i dare say that comparing to the old days, youngsters nowadays are overprotected. This may lead to devastating consequences towards the future of these bright young men. Example, imagine there are 2 babies call A and B. When A falls, his parents always help him up and allow him to cry wholeheartedly. But when B falls, his parents never even allow him to cry. He is expected to stand up on his own and was trained not to cry over minor things like falling down. What if I say that 1 day, both kids' parents disappear to nowhere, can A survive on his own? And will B have problems overcoming problems which he was trained to do so since young? The answer seems pretty obvious, doesn't it?

I believe that Singapore youth nowadays are in the similar situation as the 'A' I mentioned in the example above. Nevertheless, we cannot conclude that there is no future for Singapore youth. There is always a solution for everything. From the example above, during the time when A is growing up without his parents, he is bound to meet with hard knocks and he will eventually learn the way to stand up after countless falls without outsiders' help. I believe that this method can also apply to Singapore youth.

There's a very competitive world outside. In order to survive, we need to solve this problem. To solve it, we first need to pinpoint the main cause of the problem. Most Singapore parents nowadays are either too 'kiasu' or too 'kiasi'. They emphasized too much on academic results, thus overlooked the upbringing of their children's preparation for social challenges. On the other hand, they are overprotective towards their children. They do not allow their children to undergo hardships. Too much pressure on academics but too little pressure on real life experience. That is the main cause.

Parents need to change their attitude towards the way they treat their children. Education, too, plays an important role. In school, teachers have a need to tell their students about their experience in society, the process of their struggling days and their methods to overcome those hardships.

Towards the ending of my comment, once again I make myself clear that I agree with the statement of saying that Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad. Nevertheless, the situation is not severe and it can be solved if we put in just a little bit of effort.

BlueDragon™ said...

Khor Ying Liang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Shawn commented,'I realized that Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives.'

Singapore youngsters are taking things too easily? I object, how can you jump to such a preposterous conclusion and group the youngsters just like that, leaving out those who do take things seriously at this very point of their youths? Claiming like there are none of them. It is not true that the singapore youths have no clear idea of what they plan to do in the future. We are given a choice to choose our future through deciding on the courses we study.

What is required for the challenges up ahead? Education is what we should have and are having at this moment of our youth, which is a vital process before we face the outside world. How can we even go out there in the workforce without it? Polytechnics in singapore are giving students a chance to experience the working life through Overseas Industrial Training Programmes, is that not the challenges that we are about to face in the future? Through this, we would have probably be capable to handle the jobs that we take up in the future.

'Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life?' Is that true? Are there no youths in singapore who lack the money to even gain proper education? It is true that singapore is considered a wealthy country economically but this does not mean that all her citizens living are rich and well off. Still, we know of people in singapore who beg on the streets and youths who work and back their parents out financially. There are those who have a large family and live in a small house, worrying about the days ahead and working as hard just to stay alive. We still have schemes helping out students in need of financial assistance.

I believe that singapore youths are not soft, spoilt and sad. We still face hardships wherever we are, be it the pressure from studies or those from our friends, we will our best to cope with it and not give up easily.

Laroman said...

Lim Marn Chern DEEE/FT/1A/03

quoting Shawn Chong from DEEE/FT/1B/03
"Youth nowadays do not need to worry about what's for tomorrow's lunch like their parents during their time. Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life."

"Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives."

i strongly disagree what shawn said.. is he trying to say that there is totally lower class people in singapore that has to lead a hard life straight after they are born?

from his comment, he stated that he is a foreigner, that shows that his comment is not reliable. me as a singaporean youth, i still face and stress and pressure and i still have to earn my own money to get what i want.
"singaporean youth are soft, spoilt and sad" i strongly disagree with this as singaporean's parent are hard on the youth, which doesnt make them soft, spoilt and sad..


Mervin Seow (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I disagree with shawn's statement, 'Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives."

He should think twice before writing down this statement. Yes, there may be a very small percentage of youngsters who are taking things easily at this point of time, but that doesn't mean that all of the Singaporean youngsters are like that!
I believe that schools are preparing youths for the later stage of their life, when they go out into the challenging working world. Parents too, should have experienced the toughness and the stiff competition of working, so they should want their kids to prepare for the challenges and not suffer when they grow up.

As for the statement "Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life.", it also true that Singaporeans now have a higher standard of living, but there will always be a number of people who are suffering outside and not having sufficient meals.

Shawn also stated that guys 'only plan as far as National Service.'
i disagree. How do you know that guys don't plan for the later part of their life? They may not want to say it out to people. By the time youths receive tertiary education, they should know that they are bring trained and know what they will be facing when they work in the big world outside. Thus, this shows that youths do not only plan for their NS life.

Singaporean youths have a bright future, they should understand that Singapore is a competitive country and will fight for success.

Persistant Pester said...

I agree to a small extend that Singapore youths are soft, spoilt and sad. Firstly, Singapore has become a rich and peaceful country compared to the past. Singaporeans lead a comfortable life and most of the youths did not go through hardships like what our ancestors encountered. Nowadays, most of the families stop at two; therefore parents can afford to give their children luxurious life.

On the hand, you can see more young and enthusiastic youths participating in Community Service, such as going to developing countries, eg Cambodia, China and Philippines. Youths also do their part by participating in charitable events and helping those countries that are in crisis. I disagree to the point raised that youths are no longer hungry for success as they have too much of the good things in life. There are more and more youths receiving scholarships and graduating from the Universities. Not to forget that there are also many young entrepreneurs receiving good comments from our Minister.

Last but not least, I come to the conclusion that not all Singapore youths are soft, spoilt and sad.

Bertrand Low Yan Xin

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I was mentally prepared that I would offend my whole class my writing out my honest comments. And it really happened.

As for that, I now here would like to apologize to those whom I indirectly offend. It is true that Ying Liang said that there are a lot of Singaporean youngsters who have very serious and firm mindset and they strive very hard to achieve their goals. I am sorry that I didn't mean to offend you for I didn't make myself clear previously. It was most Singapore youngsters who had been around me gave me the impressions of those I mentioned in my previous comments.

Ying Liang did say this:

"Education is what we should have and are having at this moment of our youth, which is a vital process before we face the outside world. How can we even go out there in the workforce without it?"

Well, I definitely agree with Ying Liang on this statement to a certain degree. But I think he's forgetting something. Indeed, education is the most essential element we need right now. But that does not mean we are examined from gaining experience through hardships built by stress and pressure given by ourselves. Evaluation on how good we can get our jobs done is not just practical and technical skills we have, but also how good we are at handling hardships and stress by the job we holding on our hands. And to learn how to handle hardships is not through education. Education is unable to teach us that. It is through real-life experience. Something we have to carve into our mind and body through physical experience.

Lets come to Marn Chern. He did say this:

"i strongly disagree what shawn said.. is he trying to say that there is totally lower class people in singapore that has to lead a hard life straight after they are born?"

Why not? Who are those people begging for money at hawker centres? Who are those who collect paper boxes for a living? Are you declining the fact that these people are leading a hard life?

He also said that due to the fact that I'm a foreigner makes my statements unreliable. It is exactly because I'm a foreigner, therefore makes my statements valuable. I'm able to observe Singaporean youngsters mindset from a third-person's view. There is a Chinese saying that goes:"旁观者清" which means people who are not involve, rather observing from the outside are clearer about the situation than those who are involved.

I'm not denying the fact that there are people like Marn Chern who needs to earn money to get what they want. But is that what hardship truly means? Lets review the definition of hardship. If what Marn Chern is saying defines the word 'hardship' then what do we call the situation of those kids who are forced to carry rifles to war in Africa? Hardship does not only refer to financial problem. It also includes suffering of other various prospect such as mental, family, social, etc.


"I believe that schools are preparing youths for the later stage of their life, when they go out into the challenging working world.Parents too, should have experienced the toughness and the stiff competition of working, so they should want their kids to prepare for the challenges and not suffer when they grow up."

I wanted to highlight this because he said that it is SCHOOLS which are preparing youths for their later stage of life, not themselves. And it is precisely parents went through hardships, therefore overprotecting them from suffering. Its just the other way round.

But as I said, I was wrong in my previous comment. I should not say:

"Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad."

That is a very big mistake so yet again, I apologize. However, I still believe that there are still some who are not yet prepared for the world outside.

MingXiang said...

Ong Ming Xiang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Living prosperously doesn't automatically define a child as spoilt. In the current society, most families are able to, at the very least, afford food, warm clothings and a roof over their heads. That does not, however, mean that the child will be pampered. To pamper is to treat with extreme or excessive care and attention, which does not directly related to the wealth that one has.

The main factor is with the up-bringing of the child itself. Should the parent decide to use that wealth to help educate and equip the child with the proper skills required to be able to survive the society, would being wealthy be such a bad thing to the child?

So does having a rich and wealthy family absolutely mean that the child would become spoilt? Certainly not. On the contrary, given that the proper education most parents nowadays received, compared to the past, it might become an advantage to child-raising.

Many have commented that most Singaporean youths are spoilt, being pampered so much that they are incapable doing things by themselves, but is that the case? According to statistics, the percentage of Degree, Masters and Ph.D holders have increased over the years. Should the Singaporean youths be considered spoilt if they are able to achieve such heights? That, in my opinion, is a testament to the fact that Singaporeans youths are more than capable of success.

So, unlike how Shawn has carelessly generalised the fact that having a good life will spoil the child, Singaporean youths, currently, might be experiencing better things in life, but they are definitely not spoilt. Given the right opportunities, I believe, they will be able to perform as well as, if not better, than the older generations.

MingXiang said...

Ong Ming Xiang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I would like to comment on Shawn's statement about hardship. From what I see, in my opinion, you are obviously trying to say that what we Singaporean youths experience barely qualifies as 'Hardships'.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines hardship as "something that causes or entails suffering or privation". For your benefit, privation means the state of being deprived. Just because the degree of seriousness isn't as high as those of the third world countries you've mentioned, doesn't mean that it isn't a trial. You stated earlier that, "hardship does not only refer to financial problems", so are you considering it a form of 'Hardship' as well? Are you not contradicting yourself?

Being a foreigner has nothing to do with being fair in this case. Moreover, you are currently residing in this country, negating any of the 'fairness' you declared, should there be any to begin with.

Just something to take note of.

Laroman said...

quoting from shawn
"Why not? Who are those people begging for money at hawker centres? Who are those who collect paper boxes for a living? Are you declining the fact that these people are leading a hard life?"

if u can read properly, there is typo error in my comment. it should be
"i strongly disagree what shawn said.. is he trying to say that there is totally NO lower class people in singapore that has to lead a hard life straight after they are born"

shawn state that he being a foreigner can understand more, which i strongly disagree, as being a singaporean, i have seen many people with different story that their life in singapore is hard, WITH addition of the rising cost of living in SINGAPORE unlike MALAYSIA.

quoting from shawn again
"I'm not denying the fact that there are people like Marn Chern who needs to earn money to get what they want."

which part of me that lead u to think that i NEED to earn money to get what i want?

quoting from shawn

"Hardship does not only refer to financial problem. It also includes suffering of other various prospect such as mental, family, social, etc."

hardship comes with a price, my mum left me to US to work, when i was not even 4 year old. first time seeing her was primary 1, subsequently, sec 1, sec 4, each less than a month. so does that answer to your mental, family, social question?

so do i look soft, spoilt and sad to u???

Joel said...

Joel Yew (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Every society is worrying about how the next generation will turn out to be. For a country like Singapore, with no natural resources, our youths are the next assets.

I remember the time i saw the new Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on tv addressing to the nation about the issue on appealing the next generation youths to join him in shaping the country's future. He promised a more open society. After many decades of strong control, many listeners at that moment, not excluding myself, would have reacted with a cynical feeling of distrust. However, their biggest complaint is that the authorities have untrusting views of our youths' maturity.

Singapore's legal age to define an adult is 21.

Many find it unacceptable that they have to serve the army at the age of 18 and to fight for the nation when they are not allowed to drive a car, watch R(A) movies, drink or buy alcohol and most importantly, vote or stand as a candidate in an election.

Quoting from Shawn Chong's comment : "Life is too good for them. Through observing how most Singaporean parents bring up their children, i dare say that comparing to the old days, youngsters nowadays are overprotected. This may lead to devastating consequences towards the future of these bright young men."

"If you treat someone like a child, you can't expect him to behave like an adult" many youths argued.

No matter how most Singaporean parents bring up their children nowadays, we're still faced with strict governing from the authorities.

Somehow, I agree on a statement made by Shawn Chong. "I still believe that there are still some who are not yet prepared for the world outside."

I believe this is true.

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Maybe Ming Xiang is right. My definition towards hardship is maybe too shallow. But I definitely didn't mean that Singaporean youths have never been through hardships.

I apologize again to Marn Chern. But I like to clarify myself here again. I never thought that Marn Chern to be someone who is soft, spoilt or sad. I am not trying to deny those experience you have been through.

Marn Chern said it himself, the living cost is definitely rising in Singapore, so do Malaysia. Its just the currency problem that made Malaysia's living cost seem unchanged over the years. In Singapore, chicken rice are sold at around S$3, in Malaysia, its sold at RM3. We are paid around S$1000++ per month if we work in malls and in Malaysia, its around the same or even less. So how can you say that the living cost in Malaysia is not rising as well?

Since we've been arguing about me as a foreigner, so lets talk about me living in Singapore. To study in Singapore, I need to adapt a whole new environment, mixing around with people of my age but totally different mindsets and hold different values, struggling with pocket money due to the currency problem, being a total idiot in class even though I perfectly know how it works because of the language. I'm not trying to say this is hardship because it was my own choice to study here. What I'm trying to point out here is that there are some people among you (but definitely those from our class) look down on foreigners. I felt it and encountered it countless times. Just because we admit that Singapore's educational scheme is better than some other countries does not mean that all Singaporeans are better than those foreigners who chose to study here. But of course, there are Singaporeans who are far better than foreigners, but not all of them.

Chen Hua said...

Chen Hua (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Shawn commented,"Now Singapore is a rich and peaceful country. Youth nowadays do not need to worry about what's for tomorrow's lunch like their parents during their time. Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life."

I agree with you that Singapore is a rich country, but does not mean that people in singapore were all rich.There is alot of Charity association in singapore, what are they for? For the needys, charity is for people who are sick or poor. The people have childs, this indirectly show that partly of singapore youths do not leads a comfortable and luxurious life.In school there is finacial supports, if not they can't afford to continue their studies. They need to study and find part-time jobs to support their familys. So next time don't say "Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life."Say "Part of Singapore youth nowadays lead a comfortable and luxurious life."They do worry for tomorrow's lunch.

Shawn commented, "Towards the ending of my comment, once again I make myself clear that I agree with the statement of saying that Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad." You still dare to make clear that you agree Singaporean youths are soft, spolt and sad. This is not right, let Proffesional Chen tell you that, you write this line, means you only talk about all singaporean youths. But i don't agree is all singaporean youths, there is singaporean youths are strong and mature.So you can only say that you agree to a certain extent.

Shawn commented,"I realized that Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives." I agree with what Mr Khor Ying Liang said.

(click alt+f4 to see Khor Ying Liang's comments)

Chen Hua said...

Chen hua (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

However there are some points, point up by Shawn, i do agree with it."Life is too good for them. Through observing how most Singaporean parents bring up their children, i dare say that comparing to the old days, youngsters nowadays are overprotected." I only can say that every parents love their own childs, so they do not want them to suffer, intention is right, but too much protection, make them suffer more in futures.Just like a air-con without electric can't works.

In my conclusion, i only agree to a certain extent that parts of singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad.Please do not object with what i say, i am soft, i will be hurt if your shoot

Laroman said...

quoting from shawn

"We are paid around S$1000++ per month if we work in malls and in Malaysia, its around the same or even less. So how can you say that the living cost in Malaysia is not rising as well?"

please do not generalize your view as not ALL malaysian are earning S$1000++. There is definitely higher class people in malaysia to be able to afford the rising cost in malaysia.

quoting from shawn
"being a total idiot in class"

glad that u know ^^

quoting from shawn

"I'm trying to point out here is that there are some people among you (but definitely those from our class) look down on foreigners."

support with evidence pls

Jiahao said...

I disagree that Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad. I am sure that youths in singapore do know the importance in earning money.

While there are youths who live extravagantly buying branded goods all the time, these are only the minority of youths. Most other average teens like me do no possess such privileges and have to undergo many hardships. Having good paper qualifications is essential in the working world.More foreign talents are coming into Singapore and snatching our rice bowls that even people with degrees are having a hard time finding a job with a decent pay. This will be the greatest hardship many youths will face in the future.

Shawn said that guys plan till NS only. That is a very shallow statement. I, for instance do not plan till NS only. NS is only 2 years of your life, what about the many remaining years? Do you mean that life ends after NS?

I believe that given the "kiasu" or "kiasi" mentality of parents, youths are taught that the society is very competitive and have to strive hard. I am definitely not the "A" type baby.

Hunk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hunk said...

"Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad."

Soft, spoilt, sad?? Are you kidding me? If you have the time, walk around any shopping mall, look at how many youngsters are working.

Why do I call you to look? Try to think of the possible reasons that they are working. Let see some of the possible reasons below.

Reason one - They faced financial difficulties in their family and force them to work in order to overcome these difficulties.

Reason Two - They wanted to buy something that they desire, and instead of wanting it form their parents, they work for it.

Reason three - They do not have good education and resulted working as a sales man/woman in a shopping mall.

Does soft, spoilt and sad falls in any of the possible reasons?

Hunk said...

Jonathan Tan (deee/ft/1A/03)

"I'm able to observe Singaporean youngsters mindset from a third-person's view. There is a Chinese saying that goes:"旁观者清" which means people who are not involve, rather observing from the outside are clearer about the situation than those who are involved."

Look at the number of coments that are against you.Are you sure that you had a clearer view of the situation?
Get a pair of glasses.

"Youth nowadays do not need to worry about what's for tomorrow's lunch like their parents during their time."

Are you saying that singapore's youth are suspose to work for our lunch to prove that we are indpendent?If so, what are parents for?

The reason for their parents worrying for their tomorrowis lunch during their time was probaly due to their parents(youths grandparents) did not have the ability to provide them with their lunch.

"Through direct and close contact with them, I found out that as far as guys are concern, they only plan as far as National Service. In my opinion, that is as though they did not even try planning what's next in their lives! NS is a compulsory for all Singaporean males when they reach the age of 18. The service will be postponed if they are studying until they graduate. But NS only takes about 2 years of the early stage of their lives. After NS, they still have decades more to live on.In life, we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning."

What is there to plan?After ns comes work, earn money, set up a family, earn more money to support a family, work till your kids have the ability to survive on his/her own in the society, work till you are happy with your retirement fee, you sack your company.And there!Your job in this world is done.

Guys you had DIRECT AND CLOSE CONTACT WITH are probably the rare kind of singaporean youth^^

Hunk said...

All above quotes are Mr Shawn Chong's comments.No offence^^

Guo Jing said...

I do not agree that singapore youths are soft, spoilt & sad. This definitely applies to a small fraction.

saying singapore youths are soft, take a walk in secondary schools, look at the UGs, the sports group. They are ready to take you on any time. look at all the sports cca in our school, its the same.

Singapore youths are spoilt? no way! mayb for the kids. Everyone will have this thinkin that; the richer ones are spoilt, they'll have anything they want, and take things for granted. But i have friends whose families are really very rich, but they are not spoilt at all. Same as us, they went out to work to earn some money during the holidays..

Quoted from shawn,
“about the babies examples.”

That is just a head start with regards to whether who will overcome the problem. Eventually, everyone will learn to deal with different matter with our own unique ways.

and i just realised in the next para, you are countering your own point of view. at first, you are trying to say that, A cannot survive on his own, and next moment you said he will. So, conclusion? and why only does this apply to singapore youth??

“I realized that Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives.”

Yes, as you said youngsters, they are not youth as what we are debating in here. I feel that it is normal for youngsters to be living a carefree life in that period of life. It is when; they will have their childhood memories. If we were to pressurize them with everything that they are not able to solve, they’ll eventually be afraid to approach problems in lives later on.


quote from Shawn Chong:
'it is SCHOOLS which are preparing youths for their later stage of life, not themselves.'

if you say that it is only SCHOOLS which are preparing youths for their later stage of their life, and not themselves, then why are there still so many successful Singaporeans? 2 hands are needed to clap. if schools do their part and not youths, then the schools can just jolly well just TEACH FROM THE TEXTBOOKS AND NOTHING ELSE. But because Singapore's education system is being praised as one of the best in the world, you can say that schools are successful in preparing youths for their future.
Singapore youths are not dumb, they know what schools are for, it is to educate and prepare them for the later part of their life. and they themselves know, that they have to work hard if they want to survive in this society.

if you say it is only schools that are doing the work, then you are WRONG. because if this happens, Singapore would not be such a successful country and produce so many successful citizens.
remember this, 2 HANDS ARE NEEDED TO CLAP.

Guo Jing said...

claps to mervin

Guo Jing said...

quoted from shawn,

"Hardship does not only refer to financial problem. It also includes suffering of other various prospect such as mental, family, social, etc."

once you look into 'financial problem'; these 2 words. it voices down to all the other concerns of sufferings. Once into financial problem, we worry for the family, we work to earn, trying to reduce burden for our parents. and pressure from school work and other commitments.

but is all these hardships? it may be just a platform/stepping stone to help us advance to greater heights depending on hw we look at it.

and do you mind elaborating more on the family and social issue of hardships? Tango Yankee

_The Incredible Hong said...

Chia Xi Hong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

For the record, this comment is nothing personal. Just voicing out my point of view.

After reading Shawn Chong's comment on "Singaporean youth are soft, spoilt and sad", I felt that his comment on the topic was basically an overstatement. Putting aside the fact that the first 4 paragraphs he wrote have no vague connection to the topic whatsoever, either that or he is trying to give us a lesson on Singapore’s History.

Quote, “I realized that Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily and are certainly far from ready for challenges that they are going to face sooner or later in their lives. Through direct and close contact with them, I found out that as far as guys are concerned, they only plan as far as National Service. In my opinion, that is as though they did not even try planning what’s next in their lives!”

How do you ‘realize’ such a thing? By that, you are saying ALL Singaporean youngsters are taking things too easily. But is that true? I don’t think so. How can you generalize all of Singaporean youths just like that? Do you have proof? You said you have come in direct and close contact with them. Direct contact ? Maybe. Close contact? I am not so sure. By “them”, I think you probably mean Singaporean youngsters. But how many of them have you come in contact with to make such a statement? Have you even met people who have already planned for their lives? Guess not.

Quote. “…we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning. This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships. Life is too good for them. Through observing how most Singaporean parents bring up their children, I dare say that comparing to the old days, youngsters nowadays are overprotected.”

From the previous quotes, how can you determined whether one has gone through hardship? Does you seeing some Singaporean youngsters not knowing how to plan for their future or have not planned yet suffice for your statement? What if the people you see are the minority whereas the majorities have already planned? However, I do agree that youngsters nowadays are overprotected compared to the children of our parents generation as the whole world is changing.

Quote. “When A falls, his parents always help him up and allow him to cry wholeheartedly. But when B falls, his parents never even allow him to cry. He is expected to stand up on his own and was trained not to cry over minor things like falling down.”

Indeed, the parents of baby A is obviously over pampering him and that will have its downsides. Baby A might grow up to become a person that doesn’t know how to stand up on his own and thinks that his parents will always be there for him. Are you saying that Singapore parents are like baby A’s parents? You say that baby B is trained to overcome problems on his own since young. But what if baby B is desperate for help? What if baby B needs just a bit of a push to get over his problem? What if baby B doesn’t get that help he needed desperately? A baby is still a baby. There is a high percentage that baby B will probably give up and be stuck there. Then you are looking at the side effects of not pampering at all. Fact is, we are humans, and humans need pampering. Balance is the key. Being pampered and left alone at the right time to figure out our own problems is the solution.

Quote. “ Too much pressure on academics but too little pressure on real life experience.”

Isn’t pressure on academics also hardship?

In conclusion, I do not agree that all Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad.However, I do agree with Shawn that there are still some who are not prepared for the outside world.

Chen Hua said...

Chen hua (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I strongly disagree with jiahao using himself as a example.Jiahao commented, "Most other average teens like me do no possess such privileges and have to undergo many hardships." But from what i know, jiahao recently just bought a PSP,cost about $299 and buy a game "war of warcraft",cost about $59.90, how can he say himself do no possess such privileges.He bought this things, just for gaming.Maybe he think is normal to do so, but in reliaty is a waste of money. i only can say he is not reliable. Maybe he can use me as a good example, this could let everyone be more acceptable with it.I strongly agree that jiahao is not a 'A' tybe, he is selfish, questions he know, but he always unwilling to teach us and say himself also don't understand, then result super good. I only can say he got '心机', so i believe he can survive very well in future. But i only can say shawn is very good, he willing to teach me, this is truth so i must say.

Laroman said...

quoting from shawn

"After NS, they still have decades more to live on.In life, we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning. This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships."

Study hard to get a good qualification is also consider a test of hardships and our determine. what u are trying to bring across is that National Service is NOT a hardships. Have u been through National Service? In what position are u qualified to say that National Service in Singapore is not a hardship?

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I can feel pretty much of inexperience of life from what Jonathan had to say. If you think that parents nowadays are to provide you meal everyday, all I can say is that you are nowhere near independent. Parents are not for providing meals for you and earn money for you to spend in places where you can get fun. Nobody are tied up to all these kinds of privileges. But if your family can afford, then why not?

Another statement from Jonathan, he said that there no need for plannings for one's future. That is totally showing out how shallow a person can be. If everyone goes with your style of
"After ns comes work, earn money, set up a family, earn more money to support a family, work till your kids have the ability to survive on his/her own in the society, work till you are happy with your retirement fee, you sack your company.And there!Your job in this world is done." then why are there so many people who cannot achieve anything? You want me to get a pair of glasses? Maybe I should but you need that pair of glasses more than I do. I've been writing stuffs which I know clearly that you guys would not like to read. Despite that, look at how others like Mervin, Ying Liang, GuoJing and all put up a good fight. They corrected me many times and proved me wrong and changed my view towards Singapore youth. Some of them stated that they actually planned which is wonderful but not talking nonsense all over. Please, if you really want to make me quiet, then make more controversive statements.

I have to compliment Mervin because he made me totally defeated. Yes, 2 hands are needed to clap and I agree. I apologize that my statement before was indeed too shallow.

But for Marn Chern's statement, I need to correct him. According to my statements I've given previously, from where can you find that I'm in fact trying to deny the fact that NS is a kind of hardship?

What I was trying to say is that by not planning enough for the later stages of life is proving one to be inexperience with hardships. But I'd never thought that NS is not a kind of hardship. Even though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS.

I've mentioned that there are 2 types of planning which are short-term planning ans long-term planning. In life, we need both kind to have balance. Let me elaborate about these 2 kinds pf planning. Short-term planning is a form of planning which we plan for decisions we make base on various circumstances. Its a kind of planning which we need to overcome different kind of variables in certain events. As for long-term planning, its a form of planning which we need to set a view and determine the direction we are heading.

NS is what we so call short-term planning. But what about life after NS? This is when long-term planning comes in. Now, I'm not denying the fact that I've mistaken the previous time about Singapore youth who don't plan further after NS, but I'm certain there are people like that. And I'm not denying that planning for NS is essential. Its just that there must be more plannngs for the later stages of life after NS. That's all I'm trying to say.

Laroman said...

quoting from shawn

"According to my statements I've given previously, from where can you find that I'm in fact trying to deny the fact that NS is a kind of hardship?"

stop making me laugh please. why are u making a clown out of yourselve? dont u think u are contradicting yourselve by saying this in ur first post

"After NS, they still have decades more to live on.In life, we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning. This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships."

do u even understand what u are commenting?

quoting from shawn

"Even though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS."

this is another good example that u self pawn yourselve. Its as good as saying "shawn chong has never been to hell, but shawn chong knows how it feels to be in hell"


Chen Hua said...

Chen hua (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Shawn commented, "though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS." I think some things need to self experience it, in order to understand it. So you can't use your imagination and personal thoughts to feel how tough it is during NS. Even me myself don't really know is tough or slack, cause some of my friends say tough, some say slack after NS. But they experienced it, so what they say is more reliable. For example, my future girlfriends figure sure excellent, some parts super big, you know big, but you know what cup? How can you clearly know it? Must wait when together, then take off her clothes, then i know how what cup. Maybe fake? So most important is what? Experience it, in order to really know it.
(To teacher, i really need to say what above written simply for joke, so please don't minus my marks and think that i am pervert. Please read it with clear minds, just an example)

Hunk said...

"Parents are not for providing meals for you and earn money for you to spend in places where you can get fun. Nobody are tied up to all these kinds of privileges. But if your family can afford, then why not?"

Seriously, go get a pair of glasses.Since when did i say parents earn money to let u have fun?parents are responsible for your daily needs ain't?Unless they are unable to do so of cause.

"Youth nowadays do not need to worry about what's for tomorrow's lunch like their parents during their time."

Once again, what for they worry when their parents could affort it? whould your parents ask u to work for your own lunch when they can affort it?But still some youth still worry about their tomorrow lunch as their parent could not affort it.

I take back that said that there is nothing to plan in ones life.

If you say that i am totally shallow, thats the way i,m borught up, that is the way my parents plan their life and i'm very sure many in this society are doing so. Do you mind showing me whats yours "NOT SHALLOW" plan for the rest of your life? I,m sure many of our classmates are highly interested.

"Please, if you really want to make me quiet, then make more controversive statements."

Since when did i said that?i'm just giving a piece of my mind.STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH.

_The Incredible Hong said...

Chia Xi Hong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Quote from Shawn. “If you think that parents nowadays are to provide you meal everyday, all I can say is that you are nowhere near independent.”

What you are saying is half correct and half wrong. Parents are not there to give life to you and walk away, they are there to give life to you and give you the ability to support yourself. I don’t think you can support yourself since you were born right? No one can. Parents are there to support you until you are independent enough to support yourself because you do not have the ability yet when you are still an infant. The reason being, you are lacking a lot of things which you have not obtained that are vital to survive in the outside world. For example, experience; social skills etc.

I agree with you that parents are not there to support until you die. They are there to teach you to support yourself because you will have to do so eventually. ( I don’t think I need to state the obvious )

“Even though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS.”

In this statement, you are contradicting yourself a bit because you said you have never been through NS, BUT you clearly know how tough it is during NS. It is hard to believe that you know something you haven experience. Example, Do you know what love feels like if you have not experienced it yet? Love is an abstract concept; you NEED to experience it to know it. Just like going through something, anything. You cant just say tnat you know how it feels just by hearing stories people tell.

Oh, and please don’t write ‘absolute’ statements.

PurpleDinosaurRhythm said...
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PurpleDinosaurRhythm said...

"If you think that parents nowadays are to provide you meal everyday, all I can say is that you are nowhere near independent. Parents are not for providing meals for you and earn money for you to spend in places where you can get fun. Nobody are tied up to all these kinds of privileges. But if your family can afford, then why not?" What? What are you trying to say? You say that one is not independent if he/she expects meal delivered straight to them, then you contradict yourself by saying that one should do it? Are you kidding?

"then why are there so many people who cannot achieve anything? You want me to get a pair of glasses?" What Jonathan has done is exactly what you have done. Generalizing. Except for the fact he has handled it more tastefully. You THINK that ALL Singaporean youths are spoiled. He, however, KNOWS that MOST Singaporeans follow that path.

"I've been writing stuffs which I know clearly that you guys would not like to read." That I agree with you. Want to know why? It's because you talk like a sissy. You beat around the bush, trying to address to both sides of the argument but failed. You tried so hard to prove that you agree with both points but ending up ridiculing yourself and not making much sense. And please, correct your grammar and vocabulary if you have the chance. It angers me when you butcher the language.

"But for Marn Chern's statement, I need to correct him. According to my statements I've given previously, from where can you find that I'm in fact trying to deny the fact that NS is a kind of hardship?" Seriously, you have to review what you have typed to be able to make such a statement. Lets journey back, shall we? From your very first post, you stated,"After NS, they still have decades more to live on.In life, we need lots of planning and they include long-term planning as well as short-term planning. This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships." What in the world are you trying to tell us? This proves that they had not been through any means of hardships? Then what is NS? Are you sure you didn't deny the fact that NS is a hardship? Because I beg to differ.

"Please, if you really want to make me quiet, then make more controversive statements." If you let me, I'll do this all day. And by the way, it's controversial.

Lai Yong Jian
DME 1A 26

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Reply to Jonathan:

Surely, parents are indeed responsible for their children's needs. But that was not the way you were implicating:

"Are you saying that singapore's youth are suspose to work for our lunch to prove that we are indpendent?If so, what are parents for?"

Do you know that these sentences are very irresponsible? If I were to answer these questions of yurs then it will be: Yes, and not only Singapore youth, its all youth throughout the world to be able to earn their own meal ticket to prove their capability to prove their ability to be independent.

And yes, my parents tried not giving me pocket money during holidays and wanted me to find my own way to get money for my own needs. It started at the age of 13 for both me and my little brother. My parents are definitely capable of affording my everyday meal.

How sure are you that your parents and most others outside planned like you did? Try asking them. If they indeed planned like this, then ask yourself how successful are they? No offense though. If you ask me how I plan, well, I won't gonna tell you everything but I can give you a rough idea. Now, I'm aiming for the best result that one can get in our course, the best possible. After poly, it will be working plus part-time university. Right before graduating, survey and try asking for job vacancies prior to the kind of career prospect. Thats all I can say. You see, planning for your life is a mixture of long-term as well as short-term plannings. And in between those plannings I mentioned, there are a lot other minor plans. You won't get it until you seriously think about your future plans.

And as for:

"Please, if you really want to make me quiet, then make more controversive statements."

Its a metafore which indicate that you are trying to prove my points wrong. Please, brush up your English.

Guo Jing said...

Quoted from Shawn;

"Its a metafore which indicate that you are trying to prove my points wrong. Please, brush up your English."

u too.. its metaphor.

Hunk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laroman said...
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_The Incredible Hong said...

Quoted from Shawn;

"Its a metafore which indicate that you are trying to prove my points wrong. Please, brush up your English."

Its metaphor dude. =.=

Laroman said...

quote from Shawn

"Its a metafore which indicate that you are trying to prove my points wrong. Please, brush up your English."

Sorry sir, its spelled as metaphor, not metafore. Please , brush up your English.

Stay tuned for more clown act^^

Hunk said...

metafore?? whats that word??
my english is very poor enlighten me. thank you.

Guo Jing said...

Quoted from Shawn;

"What I was trying to say is that by not planning enough for the later stages of life is proving one to be inexperience with hardships."

WHY?? why by not plannin means is proving to be inexperinced of hard ships??

"Even though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS."

you sure u know??! i myself been through this kind of days and i dun even dare to say i noe what is NS life. I've went to a NPCC course, in the POLICE ACADEMY, book in, i slept at 11pm, wake up at 4am; book out only 1 week later!! and its jus only 1 week, not the 10-week BMT. you know what's life in there? i dun think so..

Guo Jing said...

"Hardship does not only refer to financial problem. It also includes suffering of other various prospect such as mental, family, social, etc."

you haventelaborate on that, FYI..

tango yankee

Xcel said...

As compared to youths of other countries, I do agree that young Singaporeans are soft, spoilt and sad.

I feel that is mainly due to the environment that they are being raised. As we all know that Singapore have a lot of development know and the standard of living also increase. Due to these increase, we tend to want more and more and also would want to give our child or young ones more and more leading them to have the habit of taking all good stuff. These make them feel that is very normal to have whatever they have now but not considering the others who don’t have. Is just like taking things for granted. This make them spoilt.

Youths here are also well protected by the parents. Every setbacks that the youth and encounter or the most common things of having conflicts with the teacher in school, youth will just go complain to their parents and make sure that their parents would go to school and reason everything out for them. Parents will only give their child the right exposure and also making sure that they will not be harm at anytime outside either physically or mentally. Providing them pocket money either just nice or enough for them to spend give them a habit of just staying at home and asking for money. In this manner, they are not exposing to the outside world but in the protected world of them parents. Even when some of them found a job outside, the parents would actually ask them how is work? If it too tired for them then just quit. Therefore, during work, some youth may just come and go as they want. Not happy then quit. This just goes to show how spoilt they are.

However, when they have reached the age to go into the society to work, all these will change. They need the job badly in order to survive and support their selves or their family. They can’t just come and go as they work. Other important fact is that things are not that simple in the outside world. There are bound to be a lot of backstabbing, snatching of credits and unhand method in order for them to climb up. These are all hush reality that they have to face. But being in a protected environment long, they will be able to take these kinds of things at the same time not being able to quit as and when they like. People who are able to take these kind of stress may just think to end their life, going into mental problems, give up, or just carry on without having any plans to counter back.

All these just goes to show how spoilt, soft, and sad we are. We just take what is there without appreciating it, unable to take in extra stress or small blows in life and people would just look at as like so useless. But, we are unable to change it especially how people look at us therefore being sad person not emotionally sad but mentally.
We should let the youth visit the Singapore history museum that we have to show them how people in the past live. How hush and different is their life as compared to now where everyone is more fortunate than the past. This will actually let them realize that what they have now is what all the people in the past do for them and this allow them to appreciate what ever they have now and also let them know that we must be able to take hardship for survival to continue.

ShiJun said...
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ShiJun said...

Woah! Here i come, i can't continue to see somebody keep spamming around.

Quoting from Shawn,

'However, I still believe that there are still some who are not yet prepared for the world outside.'

So, do you mean that you are well prepared for the world outside? You commented that there are still "some" who are not yet prepared for the world outside, so can you named me the 'some', if not you could at least give us an example of those 'some'. Well, to be honest, I think that i am not well prepared for the outside PHYSICALLY (You can see from my body size.), but i think that i am mentally prepare for outside world. During the one month holiday, I have work in an engineering office as a temp admin assistant,I observed those engineer for a long time and get to know how they work.

‘Even though I've never been through NS, but I clearly know how tough it is during NS.’

As what other had said, you are just faking that you knew how tough it is. How could you know? Just by your imagination? You don't have any actual EXPERIENCES yet you dared to say as if you experienced that before. Overheard that there is NS (I don't really know the name of it) in Malaysia, only those who are 'LUCKY' one are subjected to the 3 Month NS. So have you been selected to the camp? I doubt you are not the lucky one.
Well you see, you are just stating things to support your stand, but with no actual evidence. Let me tell you some facts, according to the survey done by the MOE, 19% of Poly Graduates intend to go local university, another 58% decided to work, the remaining 23% either choose to go oversea to further their study or they have no goal at all. This statistic showed that most youths do have a goal!!!! And is not what you mentioned earlier on.

So isn't it clear?

(Sorry if i offended anyone, but i am just stating the fact.)

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Thanks for your advices. I'll remember to brush up my English and I'm serious. At the very least, I am able to accept critiques and criticism others gave me.

Guojing, to answer your question on:

"WHY?? why by not plannin means is proving to be inexperinced of hard ships??"

All I can say is try experiencing yourself. You can also try asking your parents or other elders you can approach. They are sure to have an answer to your question.

Shijun, please, use a bit of common sense. Have I ever mentioned about the link between how well one is prepared for the world outside and how well someone handles one's job? No, because there are no link. How well you handle your job depends on how good you are in your stuffs. But as for how well one is able to cope in the outside world depends a lot on how experience one is in social relations. You are just forcefully patching 2 totally different issues together which have no link at all.

NS is true that I really might be able to understand the situation inside. And so I apologize. But how dare you to insult me faking things!? There are things which you don't have to experience to know. Try going for a training camp for 2 months where you get 2 hours of sleep daily and fracture 2 bones and break 1 bone during a competition right after the camp. Then you'll understand why I 'FAKED" to understand.

You were saying about the survey MOE did. All you gave was statics. They are numbers. That does not show any evidence that Singapore youths have goals. But I'm not denying the fact that Singapore youths have goals. Its just that showing statics is not going to help in supporting your points at all. You want to show statics? Then associate them with other evidence.

Aced 民德 said...

hmm,quite and interesting topic here.

Here we go.
I agree with Shawn.

Firstly, we all know that Singapore is a well developed country, well kudos to that. But regarding on the mindset of the people there, i must say that they tend to take things for granted.
Look at how Singaporeans always try to be the first in everything. No doubt it is good to be competitive, but overdoing it results in being "kiasu".
Fighting to be the first one in line with paying at the cashier? WOW! what now that is fasinating!
The one and only country in the globe to have citizens competiting with each other to be the first in line. Are you people afraid you the cashier will close and you cant pay? Don't make me laugh.

Secondly, "Kiasi". Why are Singaporeans "kiasi"?. I dont remember the older generation being kiasi. Is it a culture that is being breed after Singapore became an advance country? Being kiasi will save you from death? LMAO. everyone will die one day, even if you are a king.

Singaporean youths are too spoilt, and i totally agree with that. I went to orchard the other day and guess what i saw. A group of Secondary school girls shopping at a particular store. But what caught my attention was this. This girl was trying to buy a bag. Okay sure, no problem with that. But the thing is this. Her bag is still quite new, and she doesnt have enough cash with her and still insisted to buy that bag. Now tell me, i m sure some of the readers will say " is it wrong for her to buy a new bag? Why does it concern you? etc. etc." Say all you want. The main point here is being spoilt. Will she die if she didnt purchase that bag? Or maybe she has some kind of fetish over bags? 70% of singaporeans are over materialistic. No branded/ designer goods = End of the world.

Another thing i notice is Singaporeans, and mostly youths are very easily aggitated. What's the problem with them? Is something in their brain loose? Or maybe they dont even know how to think. Be more matured. The MMORPG Maple Story shows the characteristic of most of the Singaporean youths. If they are unhappy a few words will sure to appear, eg : You hum la, wu ji lai la, you bo ji then say, hum ji kia etc etc. If there is any REASONABLE reason for this, i would be most happy to hear it. Its just an Online Game and they are getting so heated up? Can't even lose in a Video Game? Now thats what i can say, some what retarded. Or maybe you people just dont want to lose face. Sorry to say this, but i think i its stupid, childish and idiotic.It already reflects the kind of mindset some or i would say the majority of youths in Singapore have. I even have Singaporeans friends who hate fellow singaporeans because of their attitude. I m pretty sure some of the readers here play Maple Story.
If you deny it, it shows that you people are really kiasu and unwilling to take critics.

One more thing,if you guys dont like your neighbouring country, why even bother coming over during our mega sales season? Why waste the time and money to come over? Just because things are cheaper here? Why don buy it in your own country if you people? Complaints will be made if we are a little careless, or slow. Not happy? Go back to your own country please. Why go the extra mile to waste your breath on the people here? Only people with that are so called "numbnut" will do that. I m pretty sure non of you fall under that category.

MingXiang said...

Ong Ming Xiang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Quote "Sorry to say this, but i think i its stupid, childish and idiotic."

You are a grown up playing Maplestory. How mature can you be?

If you want to defend your compatriot, please do it with some senses. Coming here and promote your country's "mega sales season" aint going do any help.

cy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cy said...

Hey Kanasaikia,

Firstly, congratulations, you’ve just defined the meaning of being nonsensical.

What about Singaporean youths being too pampered and spoilt? I guess you’re just jealous of the achievements we have in Singapore. We’re a nation that has the means to live a higher standard of living and the ability to afford designer goods because we worked hard for it, and we can’t even pamper ourselves with what we can afford? And if you think in your small whimsical brain of yours that we rely on our parents for our expenses, I think you could just f-k off. Many of my friends work during our holidays, unlike you Malaysians who play catching in your pathetic plantations.

And your first “example” of us being “kiasu”, fighting to be first in line to pay at the cashier’s? Strangely, I’ve rarely encountered any of this in my entire 17years before. Perhaps you could provide an example to support your statement. And being compeititive beats lazing around like some bloody fools fyi. And that’s perhaps why we’re able to accomplish more than you, imbecile.

Btw numbskull, the example of the schoolgirl being over materialistic really makes me want to roll and the floor and laugh. Is that the best example you can give? Typicality at its very best, so you’re telling us that if we see a schoolgirl buying designer goods, all the schoolgirls in Singapore are the same, overly materialistic as what you’ve said. This is hilarious man; you are really making me laugh with the tiny weeny pea-sized bird brain you have.

To your examples of Singaporean youths being easily agitated, your actions now are clearly mirroring that of what you just said. You said “What's the problem with them? Is something in their brain loose?” Now who’s the coward who came over here to express his agitation clearly in dismay instead of facing the problem itself directly? What about being matured when you’re playing Maplestory, you’re just showing your flaws in every word you type. Getting angry at a few kids playing Maplestory is matured? Simply funny to the bone. And you’re telling me they can’t be your fellow countrymen?

Sorry to say this, but are you getting angry to things like this? i think you’re stupid, childish and idiotic like what you’ve said, it already clearly reflected the mentality you have in your brain, kid.

And you’re telling us if we say we don’t play Maplestory, we’re unable to take critics? haha, so I just found out I can’t take critics and I’m kiasu. WHY?

Because I don’t play Maplestory.

Stop forcing your illogic on us educated people over here. To your coming over during the Mega Sales Season. Sorry, but didn’t you see it as you guys are begging us to come over because your country is poor? And to add on to your disbelief, I’ve never been to Malaysia during the Mega Sales Season before. I have flown to Taiwan, Japan, But never to Malaysia for its Mega Sales Season before. What makes you think we will flock over just to save a few pennies for low-graded goods when we already had overwhelming pockets to cope with?

Pure Hilarious. Its so mirthful that you actually dared to type a reply.

To think you have the audacity to come here to debate about this topic when your command of English is so appalling.

It’s competing, instead of competiting.
Fascinating, not fasinating.
Agitated, instead of aggitated.

Sorry, but I tend to have a tendency to correct and ridicule morons.

ShiJun said...


I think you don’t get what I mean about the world outside and other things, but never mind, I don’t wish to further elaborate. It’s just 对牛弹琴ing…

Quote from you,
‘Try going for a training camp for 2 months where you get 2 hours of sleep daily and fracture 2 bones and break 1 bone during a competition right after the camp. Then you'll understand why I 'FAKED" to understand.’

Well, if i have the chance, i will, just because i wanna feel how weak you are.

And at least I gave a static to show that most youth do plan for their future. It’s better than you giving all those rubbish with no supporting detail right?


You are just simply bias. And I can 100% confirm that you are one of Shawn’s friend.
Fighting to be the first one in line with paying at the cashier? Well, same as what Icy had said, I don’t remember this type of situation in REAL LIFE. Do you know why I cap the ‘real life’? It is because I think you watched too much Singapore’s dramas. Those dramas highlighted those Singaporean ‘kiasu’ attitudes to make people laugh; however, in fact we’re NOT!

Kiasi… what you think that youth nowadays are ‘kiasi’? Do you have any evidence to support your stand? Obviously you don’t have! You are just crapping it out!

Singaporean youths are too spoilt? Are you very sure about that? Honestly, mostly all my friends are not. You cannot simply make your conclusion just by witnessing a girl’s action! You said that 70% of Singaporeans are over materialistic. Where did you get the information from? Or is it you crapped it out again? Don’t tell me you deduce the 70% out yourself!

Maplestory? The no-lifer game? Okays, I find it very ironic when you said, ‘words will sure to appear, eg : You hum la, wu ji lai la, you bo ji then say, hum ji kia etc etc.’ In the previous paragraph, dint you just said youth are ‘kiasi’? Then why those youths still dared to say out those words. ???????????????

Excuse me Sir, when is the Malaysian mega sales (MSS) season? Seriously, I don’t know about it. By the way, there is no link with the topic. But I think you make a big mistake by saying this ‘One more thing,if you guys dont like your neighbouring country, why even bother coming over during our mega sales season? Why waste the time and money to come over? Just because things are cheaper here? Why don buy it in your own country if you people? Complaints will be made if we are a little careless, or slow. Not happy? Go back to your own country please. Why go the extra mile to waste your breath on the people here? Only people with that are so called "numbnut" will do that. I m pretty sure non of you fall under that category.’ Try to think about what you said wrongly.

And also, before I end my argument, I wanna said that if we are really so unwelcome, then you should request Malaysian tourism management to stop the MSS TV advertisement. It’s not cheap, you know?

Ok, this will be my last discussion on this topic because I want to save my 3rd comment on other topic. Bye! Bye!

sk said...

Looking at you guys trash it out is a really good thing, and trying to read some people’s english is really funny at times, seeing how they try to defend themselves but end up shooting their own feet (not one but both) along the way, but, really, if we look at the heart of the issue, I think that the term "spoiled" is relative - every kid starts off with nothing. But just because someone has a nice car doesn't mean that they’re spoiled. The kid sitting on the park bench with a yo -yo may be just as happy with his new toy as the kid with the BMW is. But maybe what "to be spoiled" means is to never know the feeling of having nothing. But then, it just seems that the way people are defining "spoiled" is based on the fact that the stuff that exists now is way better than the stuff that existed before - you can’t compare what we have now to what people had back then - it’s not fair - can one compare $1 in the past to $100 now - yo yo = cellphone? Perhaps? Well, anyway, my point is, don’t be too hard on people who have all those things - because its just the way they were raised: a rich mother is going to give her son/daughter the best she can afford. Its just the way life is. Parent(s) care for their children. We should at least be appreciative of all that we have. Unlike some other countries, we singaporeans live in a globalized world, where we need to carve out a niche for ourselves because we know, our government and establishment do not have all the answers for us. We know we have to sort it out ourselves or be left standing on the musical chair of a highly elitist competitive economy. Spoilt? I think its more simple than that. Confused in making hard choices first is more likely.

Oh yes, this is my answer to the post titled: “Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad”. Not my rebuttal to Shawn's biased comment. Please, c & c.

-Sean Koh DEEE 1B03

sk said...

Feel free to c & c on this biased rebuttal to the biased comments made by shawn. Its very long, so take your time.

After reading our own class rep’s comment on the topic, I feel firstly, his english is, to be frank, disappointing. And he doesn't know that spell check is for. But you can't blame him for that. He does muster just enough language capacity to put his point across though.

Second of all, this is a pathetic generalization of the state of youths in Singapore today just because what he has observed are none other then people who he hangs out with, thus bringing him to his mindlessly unbiased conclusion that youths in Singapore are nothing but soft, spoilt brats who can't carry ourselves farther than others can bring us to.

He doesn't consider the other Singaporean youths who crave challenge and have a fighting spirit, who actually LOOK FORWARD to NS, and are prepared to battle and overcome any obstacle that happens to come their way.

When they do fail, which is inevitable in any youth's phase of life, they have support in other areas other than just parents; their siblings, their friends (especially since they're in their youth), teachers, counsellors and other reliable confidantes...has he considered that?

And planning our lives? If everyone were to plan their own lives, they would just be wallowing in defeat should their plans go haywire. Why use NS as a benchmark? Just because NS is the 'only' hardship a Singaporean male would have to go through, apparently to him.

Many of us have different goals, such as careers, furthering education and others. As I said, we youth live in a globalized world where we know we have to carve out a niche for ourselves and we know our government and establishment do not have all the answers for us. We know we have to sort it out themselves or be left standing on the musical chair of a highly elitist competitive economy.

I think that his claim that parents "do not allow children to undergo hardships" is quite contradictory. Even he himself is aware of the amount of pressure that parents put on their kids to do academically well. Isn't this hardship in that sense? There is a need for him to define what kind of hardships he is referring to.

With regard to the highly competitive school environment that students these days are subjected to, I believe that youths face daunting tasks everyday. They have to know how to juggle CCA and school work well. I'm having a hard time trying to understand what the writer means by "real life experiences". Does he mean that real life experiences can only be gained from living during the turbulent times during World War II or the racial riots? If that is so then it is an impossibility for youths these days to gain what he claims are "real life experiences". Unless of course, Singapore falls back into the period of racial riots and such. This I believe is highly unlikely and is counterintuitive to today's undeniably satisfactory standard of living.

Once again, he has only considered the 'spoilt' side of Singaporean males he believes are living in the luxurious comfort he claims we enjoy, as with all other Singaporean males because we are all just one, homogenous, emotionally equal kind of human being : a Singaporean.

He should stop trying to force his way of life on us when our values clearly differs his as we had gown up in a vastly different environment.

The damage has already been done but he should try to stop contradict himself in every post he writes.

Yes, we understand that Malaysians do enjoy several “privileges” or “benefits” that we don’t:

1 Can pee in lifts
2 Can cross roads
3 Can eat and spit anywhere
4 Can throw rubbish and litter along highways
4 Can beat traffic lights or break the speed limits
6 Can steal car and get away with it

But hey, who’s complaining?

Guo Jing said...

By shawn,

"All I can say is try experiencing yourself. You can also try asking your parents or other elders you can approach. They are sure to have an answer to your question."

alright alright, i will. but HERE, we are trying to get each others' point of view. so, pls elaborate. Is it lik, 'preparing for raining days' or something like that you are trying to say here?

Guo Jing said...

Dear kanasaikia, (aka $h17-liked kid)

Firstly, on the behalf of my class, i thank you for paticipating on this debate. and, please identify yourself.

"One more thing,if you guys dont like your neighbouring country, why even bother coming over during our mega sales season? Why waste the time and money to come over? Just because things are cheaper here? Why don buy it in your own country if you people? Complaints will be made if we are a little careless, or slow. Not happy? Go back to your own country please. Why go the extra mile to waste your breath on the people here?"

Its very irresponsible of you to make this comment.

Since when did anyone ever mentioned we dont like our neighbouring countries??

What you've seen its just a small fraction of what is happening. Do you really know the truth?

And all along, you've been criticising SINGAPOREANS. If you are so......unhappy with us, why bother TO GO THE EXTRA MILE TO WASTE YOUR BREATH ON US now?? pls refer to, for more details.

Laroman said...

clown act once again by unknown stranger..

Stay tuned for more!^^

Laroman said...

oh btw c and c me pls.. been waiting so long....

c and c means critism & comments

Hunk said...

I wonder why all this strangers like crs so much.

CrazyMonkey89 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CrazyMonkey89 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

The our fellow friend from 1A/24, we are not at all jealous of what you have achieved. We never did and never will be. Your country is rich and peaceful due to your ancestors work in the past, not yours. You want to pamper yourselves? Then achieve something great in life before you start pampering yourself.

And so, from your comment I can see that you're rich. So??? Oh sorry, I've mistaken. Your parents are rich, not you. You are incapable of being rich for the next...lets see...10 years? Maybe longer.

Hey dude! Its CRS here. Yes, language does matter in this module but the most important thing is how well are you to give out argumentative statements. As far as I can see, you are just incapable of doing so.

About Malaysia, if you think that Singapore is really so high and mighty, then stop buying water from us, rather, stick to your new water.

Hey Shijun. You think that I understand the world outside. How well do you know about the world outside?

I am weak. I'm not denying that fact. But look at you. You are physically weak and I believe mentally too. What I gave might be rubbish to you, but that does not mean what you are saying is not rubbish to others too. I really am starting to wonder if you know how to use common sense. are not kiasu as I'd observed in class. But you are certainly kiasi. Not all but a lot of you. Marn Chern (nothing personal) said that JB is very dangerous so he will not visit there. I travel back and forth everyday but nothing seemed to have happened to me. So how are you gonna explain that kind of act? To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others.

Sean, READ!!! I've already admitted my English is bad. But I'm not like you. At least, I'm not a 'banana'. No offense though. I know 3 languages and speak all 3 of them equally fluent. We need language to communicate, not to criticize on other people's flaw in their language.

Sean, once again, PLEASE READ!!! I've apologized many times that I should not have included all of you. Yes, what you said is true. I do think that NS is the only thing that make one Singaporean youngster realize how tough it is in the outside world and the importance of further planning. You actually find it ok to start planning after your NS days? You gonna be kidding me. In Malaysia, the NS started only 3 years ago. But look at how many successful people we have over here. I know that we do not have as many successful individuals as Singapore does, but we also have exceptionally incredible people. Like Mr. Lim Goh Tong, the founder of Genting Highlands who had just passed away. He never went through NS. What about Minister of Mentor, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew? Did he went for NS during his time?

I know you think that I'm contradicting myself with my definition on hardships, right? Well, what I'm trying to say here pressure that parents put on their kids to do academically well is just not going to help them in their social relations. Can you know how to get along with other people by reading a book? No way! I know that Singapore students have a lot of stress during their schooling days but that does not mean that they can make excuses for being so shallow (for some only) and naive in mindset.

Quoted from Sean:

"1 Can pee in lifts
2 Can cross roads
3 Can eat and spit anywhere
4 Can throw rubbish and litter along highways
4 Can beat traffic lights or break the speed limits
6 Can steal car and get away with it"

I wonder why you people like to insult other people so much without any evidence. Have you seen people doing things like these all the time when you are in Malaysia? I'll go 1 by 1 if its fine to you:

1.Well, I've never seen that kind of act in Malaysia throughout my 18 years of life there. But I used to see this kind of act in Singapore frequently. In the lift going to my aunt's house in Choa Chu Kang before her family moved out to Bukit Timah.
2.You never cross roads before? Thats sad...
3.Yes, people spit everywhere. Those people open their car door and spit everywhere and I can clearly see Malaysia and Singapore registered license plate behind their car.
4.Its around the same as <3>
5.Always get to see lots of Singaporeans in the police station, paying up he fine for speeding and all.
6.Once in a while, we'll get to see "Police Caught An Organization Specialized in Stealing Cars" or some sort on the Malaysian newspapers headline.

So ya! No one's complaining.

Yes, Guo Jing. Something like that.

Laroman said...

quoting from shawn

"Marn Chern (nothing personal) said that JB is very dangerous so he will not visit there. I travel back and forth everyday but nothing seemed to have happened to me. So how are you gonna explain that kind of act?"

hey, u are just traveling a small part of Malaysia, how can u justify that the whole Malaysia is not safe?? i didnt say JB, i said the whole of malaysia. btw, i doubt anyone is going to rape a 18 year old male.

quoting from shawn again.

"To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others."

sorry, i dont need someone with bad English to come tell me whether if i can succeed in my life. As far as i am concern, i dont need your respect, and i do not want, just because u are in no position to tell me what to do in my life.
Have u ever wondered, have u gain respect from the class as a class representative?

quoting from shawn

"I do think that NS is the only thing that make one Singaporean youngster realize how tough it is in the outside world and the importance of further planning."

wake up your bloody idea, how many times have we discuess that there are all types of people in singapore, what u think is only 1 side of the coin. enough said for this.

quoting from shawn again

"About Malaysia, if you think that Singapore is really so high and mighty, then stop buying water from us, rather, stick to your new water."

do u know that malaysia wanted to buy new water eagerly from us too?
self pawn.

Laroman said...

Stay tuned for more clown act!!


sk said...

Ouch, my fingers are tired of typing....stay tuned people, more coming your way! Ms Renee, please don't close this blog. Thks :D

sk said...

Firstly, I apologise to anyone reading this blog for my typo with the numbers concerning the 6 things you can do in Malaysia and not in Singapore. Since you’ve set the pace on this topic, and decided to go “1 by 1”, I’ll oblige too.
Sean, READ!!! I've already admitted my English is bad.
Oh yes, I’ve read. I know you’ve admitted your English is is there any harm in stating it again? 
But I'm not like you.
We are all different. I know.
At least, I'm not a 'banana'. No offense though.
I’m kind of lost here...banana? And, come on, surely you can do better then that?
I know 3 languages and speak all 3 of them equally fluent.
So you actually mean your other 2 languages are actually as bad as your English? Ouch.
We need language to communicate, not to criticize on other people's flaw in their language
Yes, of course we need language to communicate. But in order to improve on our own grasp of a language, we need people to point out the flaws in our own knowledge to correct them. Don’t you agree? Oh and by the way, good job on the spell check.
Sean, once again, PLEASE READ!!! I've apologized many times that I should not have included all of you.
Here we go again: Oh yes, I’ve read. I know you have apologised. But adding in my 2 cents worth is quite interesting, to some people at least. Isn’t it? :D
Yes, what you said is true. I do think that NS is the only thing that make one Singaporean youngster realize how tough it is in the outside world and the importance of further planning.
I’ve already expressed my thoughts on this. If you still want to cling on to the foolish notion that NS is the only hardship that we Singaporean youths face is National Service, then I only have to say: ignorant.
You actually find it ok to start planning after your NS days? You gonna be kidding me. In Malaysia, the NS started only 3 years ago
Shawn,” PLEASE READ!!! “ :p This is what I said : ” And planning our lives? If everyone was to plan their own lives, they would just be wallowing in defeat should their plans go haywire”. Before this, I did state “He doesn't consider the other Singaporean youths who crave challenge and have a fighting spirit, who actually LOOK FORWARD to NS, and are prepared to battle and overcome any obstacle that happens to come their way.” Maybe I was hoping too much for Shawn to read the underlying meaning of these 2 statements, but given the benefit of doubt, this is what it means: Unlike Shawn, we have grown in a globalised country, with a globalised economy, which unfortunately or fortunately for us, is a highly elitist one. And we have to sort our lives out or start playing musical chair. Do you think that we are unaware of this? Apparently you do. But then again, this shows you certainly are ignorant.
But look at how many successful people we have over here.
(Squints eye and looks) How many?
I know that we do not have as many successful individuals as Singapore does, but we also have exceptionally incredible people. Like Mr. Lim Goh Tong, the founder of Genting Highlands who had just passed away. He never went through NS. What about Minister of Mentor, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew? Did he went for NS during his time?
Firstly, it’s Minister Mentor not “Minister of Mentor”. Secondly, it isn’t “Did he went for NS during his time” but “Did he go for NS during his time”
With the technical part out of the way, yes, I do see your point that NS doesn’t always make “successful individuals”. But then again, when did I say that NS did so?
I know you think that I'm contradicting myself with my definition on hardships, right?
Well, what I'm trying to say here pressure that parents put on their kids to do academically well is just not going to help them in their social relations. Can you know how to get along with other people by reading a book? No way!
Yes way! But before I continue, again, please, please, do refine your grammar. It’s causing me headaches. (Pops Panadol® into mouth)
Ok, on to the nitty gritty. Firstly, pressure that parents put on us youth in Singapore is part of what makes the difference between then education system here and in Malaysia. Secondly, pressure means studying. Studying doesn’t mean reading books alone. It means you get to spend time with friends, close friends and girlfriend(s). And it helps to build relationships. Take a look around the library, McDonald’s®, Dairy Cream®. What do you see? Friends studying! And don’t tell me that you have never seen a girl and a boy studying together in Singapore. Come on...
I know that Singapore students have a lot of stress during their schooling days but that does not mean that they can make excuses for being so shallow (for some only) and naive in mindset.
Wow. This is a new one. Stress contributes to youths being shallow and naive! Maybe you should write a paper about this, Shawn.
Ok one last thing. You know the 6 things that you can do in Malaysia and not in Singapore? Guess what. I got it from a Malaysian who wrote it in the comments section about the Malaysian education system. You heard it right. A Malaysian. You guys sure rock.

Please c&c. Thank you for your time.

Sean DEEE 1B03

cy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cy said...

Hello Shawn Chong from 1B/03,

I must say I’m disappointed that your understanding of day to day affairs could be so superficial.

First of all, I’ve never said that Malaysians are jealous of our achievements. I’ve never had anything against Malaysians, and I do have relatives and friends coming from Malaysia.

All we want here is a debate over whether Singaporeans are spoilt, not a Singapore versus Malaysia pros and cons dispute. And if you are thinking of using this statement “I guess you’re just jealous of the achievements we have in Singapore” as a form of a counter-attack, please seriously, don’t disgrace yourself furthermore. Scrutinise each word carefully before you start your defence.

I’ve replied to Kanasaikia comments because I didn’t see fit to what he had said and I’ve provided examples to back my claim. (Those words were directed at him not you.)

And you really went as far to show that you had the child-like mentality of an 8year old. Fancy writing this kind of childish remarks when you’re an 18year old?

“And so, from your comment I can see that you're rich. So??? Oh sorry, I've mistaken. Your parents are rich, not you. You are incapable of being rich for the next...lets see...10 years? Maybe longer.”

And to fulfill your fairytale fantasy of taking a look at my financial status, I must say I’m from the average Singapore middle class, I have enough to feed myself everyday and enough to fulfill my materialistic wants. And for your cerebrum-lacking brain’s information, I had all my materialistic needs satisfied by my own money, the ones I worked hard for, disappointingly for you not the ones I took from my parents as you’ve implied. Why should I pamper myself only when I’ve made an achievement for myself when I clearly have the money I’ve earned to do so?

Displeased that I’m more capable and richer than you? Get a job and stop being such a wuss.

“But the most important thing is how well are you to give out argumentative statements. As far as I can see, you are just incapable of doing so.”

To your saying of my incapability to articulate my words for a good argumentative statement, why not use my reply as an example during your CRS lesson and let the tutor remark on whose reply carries more weight and provided a better defence?

And for your remark that on the water issue, how about you not coming to Singapore to pursue your academic studies? How would you feel if I’ve said this to you?

To say the truth, you had already brought down your fellow countrymen in each and every of your irrational reply.

I’ve no wish to intervene in any of your class disputes, but if you have the brawn and clearly lack the brains to think, you’re clearly at a disadvantage. And regurgitating the words “R-E-A-D” over and over again doesn’t make you seem knowledgeable, or powerful in any sense. It just annoys people and they will just see you in a different light as being a pest.

“We need language to communicate, not to criticize on other people's flaw in their language.” Communication involves correctly carrying out the information from one form to another. And flaws in communication may result in misinformation. So why the harm in correcting your language?

“Well, what I'm trying to say here pressure that parents put on their kids to do academically well is just not going to help them in their social relations. Can you know how to get along with other people by reading a book? No way! I know that Singapore students have a lot of stress during their schooling days but that does not mean that they can make excuses for being so shallow (for some only) and naive in mindset.”

And to your puny superficial remark of parental pressure on us, I can tell you personally that it is unfounded; did your parents force you to read a book to learn on inter-social relations when you were young? That’s perhaps why you like to see it habitually that all those around you received the same treatment as you do, twat.

And who’s the one being shallow and looking on the surfaces of things here? Giving false account of information and paving your way around as if there’s nothing wrong.

Furthermore, your 5th example of “Always get to see lots of Singaporeans in the police station, paying up he fine for speeding and all” in your broken English is a really bad example you cooked up. We pay fines at the Land Transport Authority in Singapore, not some birdie kampong police station you have back there in your all-so-magical Johor Bahru.

And yes, you’re clever enough to utilise the spell check on your passage. But still, your command of English never fails to amaze me, as did your friend’s.

“You want to pamper yourselves?” should be YOURSELF instead, there’s only one me, and technology isn’t that cheap to make clones for myself yet.

NEWater is a name for recycled water from waste water given by the company, and not “new water” as you’ve said, moron.

Btw, to your “I know 3 languages and speak all 3 of them equally fluent” is really pathetic. I know there are at least 100 languages worldwide, excluding the use of programming languages and non-verbal languages. So there isn’t much to brag about when you only know 3? And speaking 3 equally fluently doesn’t make you a demi-god if you’re thinking that way.

Plus, it’s fluently, not “fluent”.

“Criticize” is an American word, we use British English here in Singapore, in Malaysia as well. So its “Criticise”. Start using a British English spell check instead of an American one ok? Apologized as well, it should be apologised instead.

“Exceptionally incredible”, what’s that? Is it the name of one of the Incredible in the movie?

“I'll go 1 by 1 if its fine to you”. It’s fine By you. Not TO you.

I look forward to another time of mocking you all over again.

PurpleDinosaurRhythm said...

If this is the result brought forth by CRS, I say we ban it.

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

I'm tired of all these. I don't mind you people picking on my English. Please continue to do so if you feel like it. No matter what I say, you just couldn't understand what I'm trying to say. Since things have gone this way, I think I will just shut up. Happy?

Marn Chern, when i said:
"To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others."
I was referring to Shijun.

I never expected most of you in class to respect me as a classrep because I don't really respect you. I tried to respect you guys but I just couldn't bring myself to in the end.

But I'd never expected Sean to be so shallow. I really wasn't anticipating that. You don't know what is banana? Ok, let me explain. Banana is yellow on the outside but when you peel of the skin, it becomes white. It is a term to disgrace those Chinese who cannot speak Chinese well enough, like you.

Quoted from Sean:
"Firstly, pressure that parents put on us youth in Singapore is part of what makes the difference between then education system here and in Malaysia."

You think parents over my side don't give their children pressure to do academically well? If they don't do that, then where does 5 pointer like come from? When I went to get my SPM (equivalent to O'Levels)results, there were incredibly many other people whose results were far better than mine. So how did these people got such incredibly good results? Like getting 12A1's and 1 A2 out of 13 subjects?

And if my grammar is causing you headaches, then go see a doctor. Don't just take Panadol.

To CHONGYAN from 1B/24,
I believe that you are also a banana, but that's not the point. I have relatives from Singapore too. My 5 cousins are fortunately not in your group of people. They've read this blog and they thought I went overboard but you are no better.

Haha! I have a mentality of an 8-years-old. That's new. Ok, I admit that I can very immature sometimes. What about you? Sometimes we need to sit back, think calmly and carefully. Think about what people say about us. Do not always oppose that person if he said something wrong about you.

You are not rich? I've been to other country other than Malaysia and Singapore. But I did went to Batam once for my GYL camp this year. Then what am I? Damn poor? You earned money, but how much can that be? You spent your hard-earned money to satisfy your materialistic needs. Wow, stop here and think. What about utilities bills? What about lodging? There a lot things to pay up. Who is paying those? Your parents are paying. That means that you are still incapable of earning enough money yet. And thanks for your concern. I do work whenever I have the chance.

"To your saying of my incapability to articulate my words for a good argumentative statement, why not use my reply as an example during your CRS lesson and let the tutor remark on whose reply carries more weight and provided a better defence?"
For that, I will definitely will and we'll see soon enough.

"To say the truth, you had already brought down your fellow countrymen in each and every of your irrational reply."
Truth? What do you about us? This is exactly how we truly think.

"“You want to pamper yourselves?” should be YOURSELF instead..."
Yes, I do mean 'YOURSELVES'. Its not you and only you. Why would want to waste my time talking to you?

I'm done here. But before that, try reading Xcel's comment then think. If I didn't agree to 'Singapore youths are soft, spoilt and sad', would you be attacking Xcel as much as you are doing now? All I can say is that you are too angry to realize the truth. I'm not saying I'm totally right and you are totally wrong. We just need to sit down and think calmly.

Now if you want to continue picking on my English, go ahead. As I said earlier on, I'm already tired of all of these. Go ahead, regard me as a coward who ran away. I don't really mind.

PurpleDinosaurRhythm said...

"Now if you want to continue picking on my English, go ahead. As I said earlier on, I'm already tired of all of these. Go ahead, regard me as a coward who ran away. I don't really mind." They're not just picking on your English, they're picking on you. Like you've said, try thinking calmly, why. There should be a reason somewhere. Maybe it's your personality, or your excessive need to make stupid, less-funny jokes. Just something to think about.

MingXiang said...

Ong Ming Xiang (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Quote from Shawn, "Your country is rich and peaceful due to your ancestors work in the past, not yours."

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines ancestor as "one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent".
My grandfather is having his dinner in the living room. Why are you cursing him?

"5.Always get to see lots of Singaporeans in the police station, paying up he fine for speeding and all."

Who need to pay fines when you can get away with just a $50 note?

"I don't really respect you. I tried to respect you guys but I just couldn't bring myself to in the end."

Point taken.

Quote from Sean, "So you actually mean your other 2 languages are actually as bad as your English? Ouch."

No offences, but i have to admit thats a nice one.

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Oops! Sorry, there's a mistake.
"I don't really respect you. I tried to respect you guys but I just couldn't bring myself to in the end."

I did say that but when I mean 'you', its some in class, not the whole class. Just a small part of the class.

Chen Hua said...

To kanasaikia,
may i know why you use this name? you trying to say yourself very "kanasai" or you are a person kana like sai?
but nevermind, quote from kanasaikia "This girl was trying to buy a bag. Okay sure, no problem with that. But the thing is this. Her bag is still quite new, and she doesnt have enough cash with her and still insisted to buy that bag. Now tell me, i m sure some of the readers will say " is it wrong for her to buy a new bag? Why does it concern you? etc. etc." Say all you want. The main point here is being spoilt. Will she die if she didnt purchase that bag?"
People can afford to buy a new bag although her bag is still new, really is none of your business.That is not the defination of spoilt, just simply rich, feel to buy things.Rich people can do so, if not why people want to be rich? Rich for fun? Of course buy the things they want, if not you want them to bring the money to hell and slowly spend ah? She can't have 2 bags ah? Will you die if she purchased that bag? She also won't die if she purchased the bag.

quote from kanasaikia
"The MMORPG Maple Story shows the characteristic of most of the Singaporean youths. If they are unhappy a few words will sure to appear, eg : You hum la, wu ji lai la, you bo ji then say, hum ji kia etc etc. If there is any REASONABLE reason for this, i would be most happy to hear it. Its just an Online Game and they are getting so heated up?"
I think is normal to say this things if they are unhappy. if not what you expect them to say? "tao yan, wo bu kai xin, ni qu si la, wo heng ni, yi hou bu geng ni wan le etc etc. Then if they say this you will felt them more mature? Is just a few words to express their unhappiness, also got business with you ah? You will die if you saw this words in your matured game?

quote from kanasaikia
"Secondly, "Kiasi". Why are Singaporeans "kiasi"?. I dont remember the older generation being kiasi. Is it a culture that is being breed after Singapore became an advance country? Being kiasi will save you from death? LMAO. everyone will die one day, even if you are a king."
You don't remember the older generation being kiasi, you come from the older generation, still can remember they don't kiasi? without evidence, simply what you think. In what way is your defination of kiasi? If few gangster quarrel with you, you say sorry and run away? Is it kiasi? If not you want to be like dramas, 1 vs few? That one is called stupid. In facts, people being kiasi is trying to solve the problem and not create more problems. Even i stand infront of you, scolding at you, don't think you will scold back at me, don't say whack you, i am 读书人. (of course i will bring few people) Then you are kiasi is it? You just trying to stop the fight right? So don't ever say singaporean are kiasi. Is just people know what will happen next, and don't wish it to happen and try to avoid it. People who insist and not avoid is call stupid, do things without thinking. This is what so called by you as kiasi.Being kiasi really can save from death, you are right everyone will die one day, but you want to die now? no right? of course you wan to die when you are old and right time.

In my conclusion, you just trying to help shawn shoot back at my classmates. You this kind of bias attitude, you have no rights to write comments here.And what you write is simply what you think. You are not a proffesional, but i am.

(To teacher, please don't mark this comments.)

thePiscesGirl` said...

off topic :X

_The Incredible Hong said...

ya la ya la, we singaporean kids are soft, spoilt and sad, not like malaysian kids


ya la ya la, we singaporean kids are soft, spoilt and sad, not like malaysian kids.

end of topic.

Guo Jing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guo Jing said...

By shawn,

"And so, from your comment I can see that you're rich. So??? Oh sorry, I've mistaken. Your parents are rich, not you. You are incapable of being rich for the next...lets see...10 years? Maybe longer."

support with evidence.

"About Malaysia, if you think that Singapore is really so high and mighty, then stop buying water from us, rather, stick to your new water."

talk to the government.

" are not kiasu as I'd observed in class. But you are certainly kiasi. Not all but a lot of you."

define 'kiasi'. use your own words and examples.

"Well, I've never seen that kind of act in Malaysia throughout my 18 years of life there. But I used to see this kind of act in Singapore frequently."

open eyes big big next time will do.

"before her family moved out to Bukit Timah."

so? tell us for what?

"Since things have gone this way, I think I will just shut up. Happy?"

no dont. we need your JOKES.

"I never expected most of you in class to respect me as a classrep because I don't really respect you. I tried to respect you guys but I just couldn't bring myself to in the end."

someone who thinks highly about himself.

By Marn Chern,

"hey, u are just traveling a small part of Malaysia, how can u justify that the whole Malaysia is not safe?? i didnt say JB, i said the whole of malaysia. btw, i doubt anyone is going to rape a 18 year old male. '

you never know. Cos singapore got section 377A.

"wake up your bloody idea"

wa.. potential sergeant.

By Sean,

"So you actually mean your other 2 languages are actually as bad as your English? Ouch."


VincentAow said...

Vincent Aow(DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad. I agree to a certain extend. I, myself, is a Singaporean youth and I think I am soft, spooilt and some of sad.

Despite of having a 'big' body, I like run away from problems. I do not really try to change my bad habits.I think that make me a soft person.

From young i am treat like a king. Anything i want i will have it.But now i cannot even get a pair of shoes i want.Despite of having financial problems i still cannot change the habit of spending money.I believe nowsaday youths are spoilt due to the 'bad' life that their parents face before.

I feel sad as i can see around me, some of my friends are facing the same problems as me.But we just cannot find the best solution to help ourselves.

I believe there are youths in Singapore like me and also a huge number of youths that are independent, strong and confident.Facing a complicated problems a head of them, trying real hard to solve them and taking the problems as a motivation to move forward. This is the people that will help Singapore move toward a greater success.

K.Ronaldo said...

Khairul (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Only small amount of singaporean youths are soft, spoilt and sad.They are those who leech onto their parents' money, do not think about their future or care whether they pass their exams or not.

From what I know, most Singaporean youths will want to succeed. This is because in Singapore, if you do not have the necessary certificates, it will be hard for you to find jobs.

Even if their parents are rich, they will want to be more successful than their parents.This is to show to their parents that they have a filial child and their parents count on their child when they grow old.

Most of the time you will see Singaporean youths having fun and giving a "i do not care about anything for the future" attitude.However, this usually happens when they are having fun.When it is time for them to get serious, Singapore youths will get down to their heads and show their hardworking attitude.

Example would be during my preliminary 0 levels examinations.During the preliminary 0 levels examinations, my friends and I played soccer everyday after school.We do not really care about the preliminary examinations as it is not related to 0 levels results.Only when after we received our preliminary examinations results, we started to study hard.Our results improved a lot.Even our teachers thought we are going to fail the 0 levels seeing our attitude during the preliminary examinations and its results.

From this, i believe Singaporean youths have a future.^^

ShiJun said...

Well, can help posting my 3rd comment on this topic.

Ok firstly, Shawn commented me, "To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others." Said what you like and i shall prove you wrong one day. (:

Secondly, I seen alot of discrimination in this discussion topic. And i hope this can be stopped. Maybe we grew up with biased mindset, that is why these discriminate come about.

Lastly, I would like to say that this is only a CRS discussion activity, so let's don't hurt each other feelings. And by the way, do you know you hurt quite alot of people's feelings? You get hurt too, didn't you? So let's see, i wished that this is only a CRS discussion activity, what happened here is just here. So don't ever treat this too serious.

Okays, before I leave, I wanted to say that, 'RESPECT EACH OTHER PLEASE'.

K.Ronaldo said...

Khairul (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Quoted from Vincent:"From young i am treat like a king. Anything i want i will have it.But now i cannot even get a pair of shoes i want.Despite of having financial problems i still cannot change the habit of spending money.I believe nowsaday youths are spoilt due to the 'bad' life that their parents face before."

Almost every child in Singapore is treated like a king when young due to the fact that which parents do not love their child.However, all of these are going to change when one makes friend with someone who is less fortunate.He will tend to pity his new friend and tries to think about himself as well.Gradually, he will accept his new friend's life and try to follow exactly the same that is to be independent.

K.Ronaldo said...

Khairul (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Quoted for shawn on shijun: "To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others."

Oh my gosh, Shawn, do you know what you have done?? You have just underestimated someone. Underestimating someone is really a bad thing. You will never know what can happen in the future. Possibly, even though the odds are extreme, Shijun could be your boss in the future. Treating him this way now will make you regret it in the future.

You know that Shijun is down recently, rite?? Why don't you give him a break and lend him your strength instead of giving him a bad comment??

Everyone has his ups and down. It is just how long will it last.This is where Singaporean youths' strength lies in. Singaporean youths have so MANY friends which they can rely on to when they are down. When they are down, their friends will help to cheer them up so that they are hard and happy again. Thus, Singaporean youths always hang around together with their friends. It is a rare scene to watch them walking at a shopping centre alone.

Ya Shijun. It is only an activity. However, you will want to stand out from the rest so that you will be noticed by others ,which in this case, Mrs Renee for the opportunity of getting an A for this module which i heard its almost unobtainable. No offenses meant =D.

moonkian said...

I am not from classes by this lecturer, but I am upset as a Singaporean teenager that some immature Malaysian is trying to sow disputes among Singaporeans and Malaysians. Thus, I came trying to stop the disputes. I always think that Singaporeans and Malaysians are interdependent. Do remember that Malaysia still owe Singapore money, and other smaller unmentioned matters. On our side, we won't forget that we're depending on Malaysia for Singapore's water supply.

I do agree that most Singaporeans are obsessed with branded items. But, please remember that fact that they have the ability to buy the goods, so it is not a problem for them to be materialistic.

By the way, I have got cousins living in KL, Malaysia, and they are quite brand conscious too, so please do some research before you guys write meaningless sentences trying to destroy the two countries' relationships.

By the way, working to increase their own ability to buy branded items is not a problem at all. This shows that these people have the ability to plan their time instead of giving excuses like, 'I do work whenever I have the chance.' Do you know that many teenagers nowadays seldom have the chance to stay home as they have a 5 or 6 days school with around 1 or 2 days working weekly? Please try to research more before you give any further bias comments.

Quoted from Shawn Chong, "Once in a while, we'll get to see "Police Caught An Organization Specialized in Stealing Cars" or some sort on the Malaysian newspapers headline.", I can tell you that I've relatives living in Malaysia, and I get updated on interesting news like that. But do you know that there are more people losing their vehicles in JB then reported? I am not saying JB is not safe, but that you are replying to the posts made by your classmates without thinking in a calm manners. It is obvious that you have been too bias too be able to do a proper argument.

Saying that Singaporeans parents are more prone to putting stress on their kids compared to Malaysians parents is bias, I know. But generally speaking, I know more cases of Malaysian leaving schools for work in their Secondary Schools than those who studied get their certificates. It is not a matter of parents being unable to pay for their child's fee, but rather the child giving up themselves.

But still, there are many Malaysians that are rather hardworking I know of, but most of them told me that they are planning to move to Singapore, reason being, the atmosphere here is better for their future. Why so? Do you know that Permanent Residents (From Malaysian) are more proned to stressing their children in Singapore than in Malaysia?

The funniest part is this, 'Who are those who collect paper boxes for a living?'. Are you really sure you know about Singapore? Do you know that MOST of these people are actually in rich family? Just that they don't want to spent their time alone at home putting risk of getting Amnesia that is popular to the elderly. You might disagree with this, but make sure you have sufficient proof before you try to break my sentence.

MoonKian (DBA/FT/1B/03)

K.Ronaldo said...

Khairul (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

Moonkian, I totally agree with you especially your last paragraph. This brings us to the fact that Singaporean youths are not spoilt. Being rich is whatever but other matters affect your personality such as peer pressure, trend and friendship.

I have this friend of mine. His parents earn a lot of money. There was once when he and his father come across this shop selling RC cars at around $300. His father casually asked whether he wanted to buy it. He answered yes. When they came home, he called his friends and all of us played together. When his father asked why he did not want to try the RC car alone first, he answered with a smile that it was better to share around so that there would be more fun which loneliness cannot achieve.

So, what does this shows? Being rich is nothing compared to having fun which is Singaporean youths are best at.

cy said...

I not going to fight with a dimwit, I'm scared he will bring me down and beat me down at his level of thinking.

CrazyMonkey89 said...

Shawn Chong (DEEE/FT/1B/03)

To Shijun:

Well, I admit that I was too much that time when I said:
"To be honest, right from the start, your attitude towards studies and other people really made me wonder if you can succeed one day and gaining respect from others."

Therefore I'm here to say sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, I just want to apologize.

sk said...

I was going to reply...but Icy kind of stated what I wanted i'll just see how this goes. The damage has been done anyway. I really doubt class is ever going to be the same again...sigh...

By the way, calling me a banana shows you're stooping down to the level of name calling. Don't worry, because I won't be stooping down to your level. Neither did I expect you to be so shallow. Call me all you want, but what matters is I think of myself. Just for your information, I definitely don't think I'm a know-it-all about life in Singapore, and neither should you.

sk said...

Some people asked me why I've replied. Here's my reasoning:

I just can't let someone call me a fruit and get away with it, no matter how lame it is.

renee das said...

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for participating in the blog - I am going to close it now, as I feel it has done what it was meant to do, which is to see if you can hold a point of view, substantiate it or rebut someone else's point of view. I thank all of you for showing me very clearly that some of you do this well, and some of you still need to learn how to do this better.

I also thank those who were not from my class, but who got involved in the blog nonetheless - I had no idea this was such an interesting activity.

I must say that the biggest lesson I learnt from it, and which I hope you learn as well, is what Shijun said, and what I've been stressing in class since Day 1 - respect for others and for their point of view. Why do you think I started class with discussions on gay rights etc? Because I wanted to show you, above all, that we all come in with our different values, prejudices and beliefs, but in the end, we want to appreciate the other person's stand and point of view. They have as much right to it as you have to yours, and the fine art of argument is convincing others how your stand is a reasonable one. That, I feel, is what you still have to learn better, at least for some of you. When you let emotion stand in the way, you are going to have very passionate but rather messy arguments - what you see here basically!

So I hope this blog has shown you and your class where you all stand where certain issues are concerned, and I sincerely hope this does not define for you, what some people are like. One viewpoint does not define a person - please remember that.

I look forward to the rest of the semester with you all - you're turning out to be a really great class!
